Universal X Video produces Gonzo, Wall-to-Wall XXX porn videos featuring the finest ethnic Amateur X-ers, Swing Lifestylers and Porn Star talent available. We are always on the hunt for White, Black, Asian, Latin, Hispanic, Indian, European, Pacific Islander and Mixed parentage FEMALES (ONLY) to feature in our exclusive DVD productions and website content. Interested females (18 or older) - Contact: TALENT SCOUT at [email protected] with Name, Age, Race, City/State, Experience Level/Limitations. Include photos showing your face, front and rear standing views, either nude or in a bikini. Tattoos and piercings are acceptable, if tasteful and/or feminine.
Asian/Pacific Islanders, East Indians, Trinis, Jamaicans, Latinas, Hispanics, Caucasians, Af-Americans, Europeans, from thick to thin, preferably all-natural, 18-36 yr old females seeking paid work in adult font
Funk, Hip-Hop, Trance, Electronica, Acoustic, Jazz, Fusion, Rap, Rock/Alternative...
BANDS, MUSICIANS, MUSIC PRODUCERS, BEAT MAKERS, DeeJays!! Submit your tracks to be included in upcoming XXX DVD's. Receive rolling end credits, cue sheet and copies of the DVD for your portfolio/resume. We prefer instrumentals with heavy funk grooves.
Shawnna - Getting Some
Music Video Codes by: OFFUHUGE.com
Interracial, Ebony, Asian, Latina and Caucasian hardcore B/G, Solo, G/G, G/G/B, B/B/G, Anal, BJ/Facial, Handjob, DP, fetish and more...
Who watches regular TV? With satellite TV, a jabillion channels on cable, ad-free Sirius radio channels, DVD rentals, Video On Demand, TiVO, DVR and my own product on the Universal X Video imprint... I don't even catch the evening news unless they're showcasing one of my models...
I like a few books, as listed (in no particular order):
The Joy of Sex Part: 1 - Alex Comfort, MD
The Joy of Sex Part: 2 - Alex Comfort, MD
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex... - Dr. David Reuben
The Celestine Prophesies - James Redfield
The Tenth Insight - James Redfield
In Cold Blood - Truman Capote
How The Mind Works - Steven Pinker
Fear of Flying - Erica Jong
I'm OK, You're OK - Thomas A. Harris, MD
The Story of O - Anne Desclos aka Pauline Reage aka Domonique Aury
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women - Tristan Taormino
John T. Bone, Pussyman, John Stagliano, Johnny Depth, Peter Gowland, Jarred Rutter, Larry Flynt, President Bill Clinton, P-Funks George Clinton, Ike Sanders, Loni Sanders, ...