Well theres not really much to say! erm... i'm quite a bubbly person and i tend to talk quite a lot! usually about nothing or something really random but its better then being someone who doesn't talk at all! I'm quite an outgoing person! I love shopping and playing music.
I'm about half way through my application for the army! Will hopefully start my basic training in September! Will go in as a musician which should be cool!
So if you are interesting or just fancy a chat! Add me on here! :D
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***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: Vicky Parrett
Age: 15
Month of birth: July
Any Siblings?: 1 brother
Parents still married?: yup
Occupation: still at skl!
Do you like your job?: i dont have one!
Any pets?: a dog
Hair color: thats a long story!
Eye color: blue
Shoe size: 8/9!
Any Tattoos?: nope
Any Piercings?: 2 (ears) one in each!
Current mood: happy! :D
Current wardobe choice: anything goes!
What are you listening to?: the remix of pink floyd
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: my gran
What do you currently smell like?: lush!
Movie you watched: Private Benjamin
Magazine you looked at: grazia
Thing you ate: Sandwich
Book you read: The Dave Pelzer series!
T.v. show you watched: Loose woman
Time you cried: when my gran got taken to hospital
Took a shower: about half an hour ago
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): this morning
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): last night
CD you bought: Brits Hits 2007
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: Collpsing on the sofa after a run
Your most prized possession: dunno!
Your first vehicle: my van! :D or as some people call it, the passion wagon!
Your current vehicle: passion wagon
Your favorite quote: havn't got one!
You bedtime (on average): 12pm
Your best trait/characteristic: always up for a laugh
Your worst trait/characteristic: when i get pissed off, i do get pissed off!!!
Do You....
Store things under your bed: shoes!
Daydream: all the time!
Have a computer at home: yeah
Live in the city, suburbs or country: country
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: home
Own a cell phone: yeah and its called a mobile!
Have a good luck charm: nah
Collect anything: nah
Attend high school or college: no, i attend a school!
Make good grades: sometimes!
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: nope
Had teeth pulled?: nope
Broke the law intentionally: hehe
Ran away from home?: yeah
Broke a bone?: finger! (s)
Cheated on a test/exam: all the time!
Had a friend pass away: yes :(
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: nope
Been in an auto accident: whats that?!?!? lol
Lied to someone: I try not to but sometimes i will! but I usually say something after!
Been lied to: yep
Your Favorite....
Place to be: in my bed
Place to visit: my bed
Place to chill: my bed
Non-Alcoholic drink: never tried them! lol
Alcoholic drink: anything! but Smirnoff ice!
Type of food: pasta
Meal/Food dish: pasta
Dessert: don't do them!
Shampoo & Conditioner: BedHead
Toothpaste: Colgate
Salad dressing: Yuck!
Ice cream: Vanilla
Fast food establishment: Maccy D's!
Color: Pink
Season: Summer
Holiday: Whatever!
Perfume/Cologne: Calvin Klein - Euphoria
Video Game: Don't do them!
T.V. show: Holly Oaks
Smells: freshly cut grass and petrol!
Article of clothing: Don't have one!
Book: dont have one!
Children's Book: Spot the dog! or Where's Wally!
Candy: anything!
Car: A Pink one!
Do You Believe....
In Karma: whats that?
In God: not really
In Heaven & Hell: not really
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): noooooooooooo
That ghosts exist: noooooooooooo
In horoscopes: noooooooooooo
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): depends who it is!
In yourself: sometimes
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: All people who have murdered someone should be murdered themselves!
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: whats that?
On homosexuals in the military: I dunno!
The war in the Middle East: It should stop!
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: What are you on about?!?
Current gas/fuel prices: I dunno but petrol smells gd!
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