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Nom Nom Nom

About Me

Myspace Layouts Things are finally looking up; I have my dream job, still living at home but that will change soon enough. There's a boy on the horizons that I'm hopeful for... but if I say anymore than that I'll jinx it so, I wont. So if everyone hasn't figured it out yet, I'm in the adult industry. It's not like it's hidden, it's not a secret, it's just me. If you want to know more, ask, I may just open up and tell you.

My Interests

Well I go to the gym and lift heavy things, hehe. I have a new puppy who's a fuck head... but a cute one. Getting my life stable and workable is my main interest at this point.

I'd like to meet:

Honest people, nice people. Someone to cuddle up with durring a scarry movie and hold onto while we enjoy a soft blanket, strong arms, and the smell of a good conditioner when our heads and necks nuzzle together. I'm fyreblu_x on yahoo messenger and phyreblu on AIM. Hit me up... Just don't read this as an invitation to hit ON me. :)


EMO!!! I love me some MCR, Rock, yes even some Country, Jazz, Musicals, Pop ... (I know right?)And of Course, Britney Spears!


I collect DVD's so I have roughly 700 movies or so that I rotate and yes I watch them all! Obviously not in one day... god you're stupid. I love horror; the bloodier the better!


Family guy, American Idol


Christopher Rice is my favorite author. I loved reading the Four Agreements, Stumbling on Happiness, Why we love... You should be writing these down people, they're great!


This never really changes. My family and Dutch have always been listed and there's no reason to change that. :)

My Blog

Situations and such...

8/11/08              So we'll touch on the lighter issues that involve only me before going into the issues that involve Mark: I need to get ba...
Posted by Jae on Mon, 11 Aug 2008 02:54:00 PST

AHHH I love it!!!!

8/06                Okay, so it shouldn't have taken this long to get this blog updated but it did so,& there. So the weekend was AMAZING! ...
Posted by Jae on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 11:13:00 PST

On my way to see Mark!!!

7/31/08                So, by the time this is read it will be the past; the happenings of the next 3 days will be a memory. Be it I'm hopi...
Posted by Jae on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 11:12:00 PST

The epiphany that is Jae!

Wow, okay so I haven't blogged in FOREVER! So here's a recap& All seems to be going well. I'm hoping to be moved to SF by September 1st if not sooner, the job is great (We'll go into that more in just...
Posted by Jae on Mon, 28 Jul 2008 02:03:00 PST

Another Late Addition...

So this is yet another late entry in my blog; things have been really busy lately and last week was a very long week at the office so suffice to say I didn't get a whole lot of me time in. I'm sitting...
Posted by Jae on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 11:27:00 PST

Pride Weekend!

Okay so first, how is it that we're already in July? WTF? Was I really so caught up with all the shit going on in my life that I missed an entire half of a year? Granted it wasn't action and reaction,...
Posted by Jae on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 02:32:00 PST


An installment of what a very special boy can inspire. The first thing to be written sine well of last year. And certainly the first happy installment since god only knows when. Enjoy people. And than...
Posted by Jae on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 02:45:00 PST

Lord Im on cloud 9!

6/26/08 So last night's blog didn't get fair attention as I had taken my sleep medicine before starting it and was therefore racing the clock before I passed out completely, which I ended up doing. So...
Posted by Jae on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 10:18:00 PST

Later blog post... 6/18 & 6/20!! NEW

Ahhh, I love spare the air days. I thought about it on the way in to the BART station this morning that I had seen it on a freeway sign yesterday; Ride free, spare the air. When I arrived to the stati...
Posted by Jae on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 02:49:00 PST


6-23-08 Pt. 1 Ahhh and another week begins! So this is my second full week of work and I'm finally on the phones; granted I have yet to receive a call I could handle on my own, but I know they're ou...
Posted by Jae on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 02:52:00 PST