we're still the goTdamn WEST COAST CHAMPS... WHHAAAT!!? KOBE... M.V.P. Vlade Divac, how do youuu feel?? LAKERS WHAT?!??!
E...I'm laid back (Chaddida-Cheeee!!), like to chill wit good people, and new people (not all people are good by nature-No shiiiirrr) that are true... what it do baby BOO? I'm good wit all forms of art... I can't live with out art, especially music! I can deal with heavy situations (yadddidaa boo boo)... I like to cook, and I like to think that I'm pretty damn good at it too!! just ask anybody who's had my omelettes, chicken (chickin omelettes are the buizzness), steaks, shrimp, or just about any damn thang that can be sired, boiled, baked, heated, or cooled to a nice eatible temp! Me, I'm Mr.E... long story... I was Kidd Kurrupt (first nickname that anybody else actually referred to me as)... that was my break dancing name (TGZ!!) That slowly formed into a tagging a.k.a. which became E.E.K.(Eternal-E-Kurrupt)... hahaahaha, yeaaaa like EEK the cat (wild one!)... that worked for a minute but soon after that, the acronym became what it izz today.... Mr. E (Mr. Eternal-E-(kidd)Kurrupt)
... yaddiddah mean playaaaa?! I like to think of it as stayin true to my roots while at the same time moving forward with something even BIGGER & BETTER!!
...and this one is for my playa partna'z in crime (and in life/ the after life)
Neil, Doze1 & B-EAZY R.I.P.