Eating threads and whatever else damage I can inflict on the puny ProBoards members.
My cousin, the w00tbug. I haven't seen that gal in some time. She's a marvelous bug. But for now, she's being private and will not appear for some. If you have, then you know of how unnatural she is. She loves to eat the first post of a page in a thread. I'm not sure why, but she gets into that sort of thing.Also my son, the w00pbug, who I haven't seen for a very long time. Though, I have seen his handywork in ProBoards members profiles. Dec, 1969. Very funny son, that was MY birthdate before it was yours.
Any song that has "woop woop" in it. Because I named my son after a song like that.
Anything that shows puny humans being tormented.
It ruins the youth. I personally blame MTV and BET.
Anything that portrays humans being tormented.
Martyn Dale.