Oº‘¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨‘ºO profile picture

Oº‘¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨‘ºO

NarCissUs, Eclectic, Ambitious, PaIn, FreeSpirited, Nympho, Fly, ShortTempered, DoLo, Geeked, Optimi

About Me

I caNt call it shaWty, basically just do me. Write a lil, stay 3000 miles from the mindstaTe of most niggAs.bout the faM, my car, musiC, and all that good ish..And pictueres...i love picS..shit send me one.

My Interests

History, i love History. MusiC, a lil Writing, Sex, money, my Car, bowling, Drinking, mmmmmm,paydays, eating, Game Cigars, ps3, mr.FattimS, Tlow, David, jayDiZZZooT, ShawniBaby, mmmmm doing anything new, as fast as possible. RiskTaker, mmmmm human advancement. Black empowerment, tranquility, GoD which is always first.

I'd like to meet:

Id like to meet anyone who keeps it real. Keep it real with me and thats what i do with you.


I like my music about something important. oldSchool music from hip hop to the blues. I stay away from everything country....most of the time i just grove to talib, common, anything from the A, ish like that and of course Goapele and lauryn...id pay good money to burn every copy of beyounce and diddy though. shit wont be played around me


Im into the historical movies. i like action and comedies ya know. stuff that keep you intuned to it.


Not really into the whole tv thing. But if i'm using it then i'm watching... sienfield, naurto, blood, king of queens, monk, law N order..alll of them, scrubs, will and grace, two and half men, cnn, news, wonderpets lmao, i stay away from bet and mtv. garbage...ya know i just watch interesting shit. The other half of the time im playing ps3


Your Five Factor Personality Profile Extroversion:
You have high extroversion.
You are outgoing and engaging, with both strangers and friends.
You truly enjoy being with people and bring energy into any situation.
Enthusiastic and fun, you're the first to say "let's go!"
You have medium conscientiousness.
You're generally good at balancing work and play.
When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.
But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.
You have medium agreeableness.
You're generally a friendly and trusting person.
But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism.
You get along well with others, as long as they play fair.
You have low neuroticism.
You are very emotionally stable and mentally together.
Only the greatest setbacks upset you, and you bounce back quickly.
Overall, you are typically calm and relaxed - making others feel secure.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is high.
In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.
You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.
A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. The Five Factor Personality Test


Next to goD, my Father. He taught me to be intune to things around me. listen to shit people aint saying, read between the lines. Dont let people run over you. And of course my mother and sister.

My Blog

//DrOriCaN// AdDIcTioN //

//DrOrIcAn// AdDiCtIOn //We Addicted to loVInG, huGgIn And touChiN, My kiSsiNng LeAds tO rubBinng...YeS, ImA sucka for love. ThAt L.O.v.E. ThaT makEs U cRaVe tHat SenusuaL NuUBbb. NeVer SeEn heR a Day...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Wed, 14 May 2008 08:39:00 PST

//DrOriCaN// A liL fEelIng of LoNgIng//

//DrOrIcAN// ManY yeArs haVe paSseD, And my nightS seem to gEt shorTer. My VisIoN is gLassLike As wAtEr WhEn I drEam of my daughtEr....I've coMe to teRMs With my emotioNs. So my lifE reVolvEs ina diff...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 06:47:00 PST

//DrOrIcAN //Qu33N McLoUvIN//

//DrOrIcAn // Qu33n McLoUvIn //MiSs ButTerPeCaN, skIn the Same HuE aS PeaNut ButTer MaN......Say I'M sICk wiTh thE LyrIcS LiKE wHeN NaS and LauRyN SpOKe KnOwLeDgE To MaSsEs inSteAd of JuSt theMseLvEs....
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 12:53:00 PST

//DrorIcAn // Hmmmmmm //

I awaKe likE laZarUs and AsK if peOpLe forgOt I'M k!Ng. AlOtta things beEn happEniNg like shit U see IN uR drEamS. JaY saY iMa beAsT, Fast metabolisM, I eAt to sustAiN my MeAns. If its not about moneY...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:45:00 PST

TabaRik :: Son oF aChiLesE

:: TaBaRiK :: SoN of AchiLleSe ::BlEssIngs to GoD, My Mother, TrE, KeKe, aNd AunTiE JeAneTtE, and the reSt who ActuAlly Care FoR my EmotIons....For the rEst FuCk U AllI CrY In EmotionlEss fAciaL exprE...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 06:28:00 PST

DrOrIcAN :: TaBarIk thE ProPheT

DrOriCaN :: TaBarIk ThE ProPheTShE speAks of my meMoirS as miSsiNg paGes in heR diaRy. VerY imporTant, CoMment and I wiLl teAch. ReSpeCt me like ur pasTor beCause I pReAch! [Snoop speaks::ChuRch]I ha...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 11:06:00 PST

DrOriCaN :: AuTisTiC

DrOrIcAn Pt. AutiStiCIM ThE moSt loVeD aNd mosT fEaRed To spEak tOo. In OthEr woRdS TabAriK is AutIsTiC, stAtisTicaLly sPeAkiNg extRemLy DifFerEnT. IVe aCteD AbnorMallY my WhoLe LiFe; BeInG nOrMAl FeA...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 10:59:00 PST

//DroRicAn PuRple pt.2//

//DrOricAn Pt. PUrPle Part 2//IM BlowiNg CirCles, my state of mind is pUrpLe. My hoMeBoi spEakiNg ObsErvAtioNal knowLeDgE, askiNg if I forGot about the wOldS probLems. ExpaNd yOur horIzOns aGaiN lets...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 01:16:00 PST

//DrOrIcaN Pt. NyphoMaNiaC

//DrOrIcAN pt.....// NymphOmaNiaCIMa put it ouT theRe, like shOutIn in a CrowD of peOpLe...Me and miSs.bUttERpeCanGhaNeSeSlice of heAveN is baCkeD uP! I CaN fEel it IN heR thIghS WhilE sHe RubBing on...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 11:17:00 PST

//DrOrIcAn Pt....// MetAphOriCalLy

//DrOrIcAN :: MeTaPhorIcAlly//MetAphorIcAlly, I am bliNd deAf and CrAzy...AdmitTed to a CagE of WhiTe walls and meDicaTioN like a chilD who hasn't leaRned to Be riGht. I enVy peOpLe who sLeEp RiGhT be...
Posted by Oº¨K!NG eSt. 1983¨ºO on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:55:00 PST