Suddenly, this doesn't seem so crazy! haha
Your Ideal Relationship is Marriage
You've dated enough to know what you want.
And that's marriage - with the right person.
You're serious about settling down some time soon.
Even if you haven't met the person you want to get hitched to!
What's Your Ideal Relationship?
Matt Good is AMAZING and I would love to have his babies! The guys from Matchbox Twenty are Gods...and my boyfriend (J.L. Landry) is pretty amazing too! So in love with Kanye West's Gold Digger right now..! haha
DiRtY dANcInG, gArDeN STatE, WiKeR pARk, NaPoLeOn DyNAmiTE, ThE ManNeQuiN, BrOkEbAcK MoUnTaIn (soo sad), 40-Yr-oLd ViRgiN...& so many more
ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT please come back I'm lost without you! :(, Grey's Anatomy, The O.C., Desperate Housewives, Everwood, Alias and Friends....Sex and the City is amazing!
I love a good book....personal faves: Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya and The Red Tent...although I'm not sure who wrote it...and White Oleander...
Spongebob......c'mon...he lives in a PINEAPPLE!! how cool is that?!