antic staatsoper profile picture

antic staatsoper

About Me

Ich bin Berliner. Ich menschlicher. Ich bin ein Einwohner dieses Planeten. Ich versuche mit meiner Musik, die Welt zu ändern. Ich werde nicht dahin ankommen einzig. Ich benötige Hilfe. Ich benötige Sie. Oblier das Gut. Das Übel vergessen. Einen neuen Gleichgewichtsstand finden.Etwas gut eres. Reiner
I am Berliner. I am human. I am livin' on this planet. I try with my music to modify the world. I will not arrive there only. I need assistance. I need you. To forget the good. To forget the evil. To find a new state of equilibre. Something better and purer

I hope everything can change here

My Interests


Member Since: 08/03/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Von hat sechs Milliarden
Kaarl Gunt: leader, guru and spiritual guide to the absolution and musician.
Bruss Heintz: psychiatric helper and substance organisator and musician.
Viktor Diencht: autist and musician.
Clara Stupagret: sexy girl and musician.
Cassandra Philips: nurse and musician.
The Terminal Life Orchestra with Henry Death.
and many more like you...

Die zu bauende Liebe. Von arreter den Problemen um uns versuchen
Love to build. And to try to stop the trouble around us!
Sounds Like: menschliche Musik//////////////////human music
Record Label: -uber mOrgen-
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

RuperTom my big brother

..> RuperTom my big brother Oh tom you're great you're so cool!I feel free with you... Life is like heaven here!!Everybody is my friends!!!Hum... hum...But...Too many things are not clear with you...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 00:36:00 GMT

You human! youre the new cops! Artists! youre the new fascists!

Some people thinks they're cool! Open minded! Free and really clever.... So many friends! They believe to be fabulous great artists...Fuck off! I hate artists they're just histrionic persons with path...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 01:54:00 GMT

this millenium is like the endless eighties

We are lost in a fuckin' plastic world. Green neon, art without feeling, TV 's makin' us dumb and schizo. Voices evreywhere. Telling us about some useless informations... To stay alive... Buy great ob...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 08:01:00 GMT