retro layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentsT his is my sexy brother name Nate && i call him my cow [mooohaha!]jk. He is a grown man[18]! He is a graduate && he is fixin' to go to Lincoln University[LU]! He is so nice && sweet. He is very intelligent! He loves to play his instruments, so basically music is his life. He is single ! He is very funny! He is very down to earth. He dnt put up bullshit from nobody includin niggas!<[b>you mess with my bubba, you mess with me]. He doesnt have time for lame females! He loves going to the beach!
HE LOVES CHEESE !!<------ what he just told me! hehe (= HE LOVES GOD, HIS MOMMY, HIS FAMILY, HIS FRIENDS, && OF COARSE [ME] HIS LIL SISTER TAYLOR. His favorite colors are different shades of blue. Bt yeah. If you have any questions then just message or comment him..... ya digg? [♥his hot sister taylor!♥]
What Musical Instrument Are You?
You're very suave and savvy. The guitar is "cool", but you're just plain cool, man. You can evoke some of the deepest emotions in people. You're also more versatile in that you come in several varieties to get a good range of sound. Your laid back attitude is very appealing to some, but appalling to others.
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