My sweet-ass girlfriend, her smile, and her laugh. I like books and movies too. Oh, and beer and video games. And pretty much any game actually. I have a bit of a competitive streak and have been known to cheat in order to beat 3 year-olds at Candyland.
President Clinton, Don Mattingly, and Colin Powell. Also, anybody I have lost touch with over the years. Sorry, but law school does not provide much time for the old Wild to come out and play. But, drop me a line because I am getting far enough ahead of pace that I actually have free time now. Actually, I'm not - but I lvoe distractions so drop me a line anyway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Only a few more months until the bar. Bet nobody thought I'd ever be able to say that. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you are wondering why my page has color, it is because Ash demanded I update it. I said it wouldn't happen unless I got some ass. As you can see, I got some ass.
Falling back into stuff from when I was growing up lately - Korn, Metallica, Pantera, Pearl Jam, STP, Nirvana, Primus, Tool, NIN, Rage Against the Machine and a bunch of other older stuff. But I listen to everything from classical to mainstream metal to alternative. Can't stand rap and most new hip-hop. Love ZOX ( - greatest band to listen to when it is warm outside, they just have that vibe. For you Sublime fans, check out Roots Down Below on my friends list - one of my new favorites with a sound that reminds me of Sublime. Got the Yo-Yo Ma set for exam periods and some Holst in there too. Also, love Jimmy Buffet - one of the best concerts known to man and also great summer drinking music. And I can't forget anything classic rock - even the crappy songs have their moments in that genre.And a new one - The Indobox (formerly Moonbox). Great band! The songs are epic (both in length and importance to your life) and they just sound great. Cleanest sounding live performance I've ever heard, great beat, excellent harmony. There is nothing better out there right now. They say they are Floydish (I agree) and most people say jam band. For some reason the lead singer playing bass reminded me of Primus, and so did some of the bass-heavy rifts, but generally I'd say the Floyd comparison is the most accurate. If you don't like this band, you're dead to me. j/k.
DVD Collection is at 165+ and growing. Old war movies are great, love horror flicks and comedies are obviously awesome, but so are Super Troopers, Sorority Boys (honestly, it doesn't suck), High Fidelity, any of the LoR trilogy, and a million others. Honestly, I wouldn't buy a movie unless I loved it and I'm not going to list every single one I own - no time. V for Vendetta just made my all-time top 10 list. If you didn't like it, well you just suck then.
I can't stand watching most TV, unless it is Ultimate Fighting or South Park. I particularly hate all RI newscasters and think watching RI news is a waste of time. CNN is great, Fox News let's you know what "the other half" thinks is important, and Anderson Cooper will be the next Dan Rather. If you haven't read Anderson's background, you should - he's no joke.
Anything about WWII or political theory or philosophy. A little David Sedaris to make me laugh (Santaland Diaries is the funniest thing I have ever seen or read). Currently reading "The Trouble with Diversity," "Alien Nation," "Enemy Aliens," and a whole bunch of law reviews for my directed research.
Don Mattingly, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and my dad and my mom.