my son, shopping, live sports games, fast cars, dancing, jeggermeister? and redbulls, jewls, sk8ing, road trips and traveling in general, business owners, family and friends which are one, designing stuff, day dreaming, laughing, having fun, painting, hustling, underwater skating and stuff and things and music and movies and the opera.
Just the SeXIest oF tHE cOOL
I like it, I love it, I want some more of but not country..;}
some favorites are:
12 monkies, 28 days later, 50 first dates, almost famous, Amelie, bourne identity, the brothers grimm, a bugs life, constantine, cool hand luke, crash, divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood, dogma, dogville, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Eyes wide shut, fever pitch, fight club, finding nemo, finding neverland, free willy, fried greeen tomatoes, fugitive, gandhi, girl interupted, gone in 60 seconds, gone with the wind, green street hooligans, hannibal, hero, hide and seek, house of flying daggers, in july, jaws, kids, lagends of the fall, lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events, lord of the rings, marry poppins, meet the fockers, momento, mexican, monters inc., mr. and mrs. smith, nightmare before christmas, oceans eleven, original sin, panic room, requiem for a dream, river runs through it, saw, seven, shining, smoke, step mom, toy story, truth about cats and dogs, what dreams may come --- do you know of some other good one's... lemme' know yo!
I'll watch it... mostly I watch the news via CNN or channel 3... MTV, it's sickening I know but I like it too; I like to SURF mostly tho' and I like to hold the remote unless you come in cuz' then i don't care unless you put some gay shit on like jerry springer... then I just leave.
hmmm.... lol... besides the winnie the pooh series for my son and all of the parenting magazines I get ummm... my reading is extended to school text time for pleasure reading right now... one day... but I do love magazines and I'm addicted to covers... especially reading a magazine walking through the grocery store.. it's rediculus.. like my spelling
Anyone in my life that said they were going to do something worth while and then did it.. and you know what... why don't YOu go out and do something fuckin' heroic sport...huh... the world could use a hero right now.... naw fuck that you know what.. YOU'RE my fuckin' hero.and so is my brother Luke
[last song you listened to] Vans, by the pack.. profile song.. but not mine
[Shoe size] 9.. I swear my feet grew when I was prego..I swear!!
[Parents still together] no.. were they ever together? I"m pretty sure I'm a bastard
[Pets] none here... NONE.. pets... nope, hell no, fuck no, NO PETS.. except for my YOKO (red tail boa)
[Color] black/maroon...
[Number] 8
[Drinks] jagermeister/red bull
[Soda] coke with lemon
[Flower] ExOTic ones..
[Color your hair?] right now
[Twirl your hair?] yes.. only my bangs and only when I'm super bored
[Have tattoos?] yes... I want more
[Have Piercings?] yes... but I only wear jewlry in my ears now
[Cheat on tests/homework?] I have
[Drink/Smoke?] lol... seriously?
[Like roller coasters?] yes.. love them!!
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] yes like at the beach somewhere on the WEST COAST
[Want more piercings?] yes
[Like cleaning?] no.. but I like clean stuff
[Write in cursive or print?] UPPERCASE PRINT
[Own a web cam?] no
[Know how to drive?] yes.. Stick is more fun.. I'm getting my license today! 08-10-06
[Own a cell phone?] yes.. one.. two... three times a lady
[Ever get off the damn computer?] no.. sadly I'm addicted.. I think I need a meeting
[Been in a fist fight?] yes..
[Considered a life of crime?] my life is crime
[Considered being a hooker?] only on the good days
[Lied to someone?] unfortunately i have and I have to follow that with an I'm sorry and it wont happen again
[Been in love?] better to have been in love than to have never loved at all
[Made out with JUST a friend?] lol... yes
[Been in lust?] Don't use such language around my virgin ears
[Used someone] oh man.. I plead the 5th
[Been used?] ugh... yes
[Been cheated on?] I think so.. yeah, I'm pretty sure
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] lol.. yes.. I know , I know, it's not a laughing matter
[Stolen anything?] yes.. from big business' and I don't do it anymore
[Held a gun] sure, fired a gun, I've even dug a hole before
[Current clothing] white Choice One T-shirt with black writing, black and white checkered belt, jeans, black furry flips
[Current mood] I'm at work... kinda' like.." phone don't ring I'm busy"
[Current taste] sausage, egg, and cheese croissant.. breakfast baby
[What you currently smell like] Still by J-Lo yo.. yummm k
[Current hair] in a pony tail braid.. hey I'm at work
[Current thing I ought to be doing] umm... yeah, I don't know
[Current cd in stereo] The Society of INvisables and a D&B compilation
[Last movie you saw] 3 Amigos.. does that count?.. I got it at blockbuster
[Last thing you ate] breakfast
[Last person you talked to on the phone] fresh to death Seth
[Do drugs?] just say no mang.. that's what they say right?
[Believe there is life on other planets?] now-no.. before-yes... in other galaxys-now-yes
Remember your first love?] Jesse H.
[Still love him/her?] Always
[Read the newspaper?] yes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yes
[Believe in miracles?] yes
[Do well in school?] yes
[Wear hats] yes
[Hate yourself?] no
[Have an obsession?] I have a people obsession
[Collect anything?] Artist TRading Cards... remote controlled cars
[Have a best friend?] That's classified information
[Close friends?] a handful
[Like your handwriting?] yeah
[Care about looks] like oh my gawd
[First crush] Jesse H.
[First kiss] Dan M.
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] Luke H.
[Do you believe in "the one?"] Richard O.
[Are you a tease?] I do what I want
[Too shy to make the first move?] yes
[Daydreamer] oh man.. yes
[Bitch/Asshole] only on the good days
[sarcastic] no
[Angel] yes
[Devil] where
[Shy] who
[Talkative] me?