Anarchist Revolution, violent if need be...Join my militia and die for a reason.
I hate most people cause they're fucked up...but I'll give almost anybody a chance...
Antisect, Amebix, Doom, Crass, Cress, Flux of pink Indians, Oi Polloi, Berurier Noir, Brigada Flores Magon, Post Regiment, Dezerter, JOBBYKRUST, the Dagda, Easpa Measa, Toxic Waste, BURNT CROSS, Bagger, Skelm Helm, Soothsayer, Lynched, FALL OF EFRAFA, Tromatism, Misery etc.
V for Vendetta, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, La Haine, Zeitgeist...Whatever, I like alot...fantasy is a fuck load better than reality.
Cliche I know, but m'favourite is still "1984", but really I like anything with hints of anarchist behavior, and non-fiction anti-capitalist stuff...or books about celtic mythology & medieval history
Admiral Huffington III