Let there be a new generation . Let there be a people of God, unafraid to speak. Let them stand firm in their faith. May the Word of the Lord be written on their hearts and in their minds. They will walk by faith, not by sight. May they be unafraid of persecution and what the world thinks. Give them a new vision to see clearly what the world cannot. Give them words, with which, to testify to the Truth! Give them... a new music.
The generation I speak of is slowly growing in these horrible, sinful times . They thirst for something new and refreshing. These people want desperately to stand for something... for Truth, integrity, moral ethics. My music is the opposite of what the world wants (sex, drugs, violence, ignorance, immorality, stupidity...) and instead focuses on biblical concepts , taking a stand AGAINST the flawwed sinful music of the world and mainstream radio.
- Have you ever been singing along to a song,
then realized you don't know what it's about?
- Ever been bobbin' your head to a beat and thought,
"...if only the lyrics were better."?
I once wrote... "he (Satan) uses a CD as he sings to you...". Music is an important part of our culture and heavily influences the way we think, act, learn, and feel. Todays music reflects the sad, depressed, angry, immoral society we live in and it's everywhere!
If you desire, like I do, music that changes all of that, you've come to the right place! Here, christians and non-christians alike can learn, listen and enjoy something pure. If rap isn't your thing, it's ok. There's plenty of other christians out there who have the same idea, in a different style. I urge you to learn, take a stand, and better yourself by listening to things inspired by God . Who knows? It may just inspire you!
.. ChristianMySpaceCodes.com
Christian Myspace