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Created by Bart King
Hi Dudes, Im Jake, I LOVE FUKIN ROCK!! I Play The Guitar n Have Been Doin 4 Sum Time Now, Ofcourse I Play The Les Paul And The Dean From Hell, Dimebag R.I.P. I Also Love Bikes!! Hopefully I Will Belong To The Sacred Gang, The Hells Angels, Fuk Yeh They Rock! Im A Songriter Aswell, Ive Wrote Loads Of My Own Shit Jus , I Also Love Piercings An Tatoos, I Have My Ears Done(Which I Never Have In Anyway lol) And My Nose Done, Im Gettin My First Tatto This Year. I Also Love Leather, Jackets And Pants, I Have Loads Of Them, Also Cowboy Boots, Fuk Yeh They R Cool. Wen It Comes 2 Booze Whiskey Rules, My Fav Is Good Ol' Jack Daniels, But Southern Comfort Is Good Too. I ALSO LOVE A GOOD FIGHT!! But My Greatest Life Goal Is To Become A Rockstar, Im Not Being Cockey, But I Know Ive Got It, It Seems A Shame To Waste Such Talent. All My M8s Rock, Especially The Guys In My Band, Wells Thats Me, Sex, Drugs And Rock n Fuckin' Roll!!
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* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Grey
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Height:: 6ft 1
Favorite Color:: All Colours
Screen Name:: Strike
Favorite Band:: Guns N Roses
Favorite Movie:: Waynes World
Favorite Show:: Bo' Selecta
Your Car:: Fuck Off!!
Your Hometown:: Windsor
Your Present Town:: Windsor
Your Crushes First Name:: To Many To Say
Your Grade:: 10th
Your Style:: Long Hiar (before i cut it off, but its growin back) Leather Jackets, Denam, Tight Jeans, Lots Of Fuckin Jewellery, Leather Pants, Studs, Bandanas, 80's T-Shirts and Converse
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: Yep
Kissed someone in the rain?: Yep
Danced in a public place?: Ofcourse, Who Hasnt
Smiled for no reason?: Always Wen Stoned
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yep
Peed your pants after age 8?: Proberly
Written a song?: YES, LOADS!!
Sang to someone for no reason?: Yep
Performed on a stage?: ALL THE TIME!!
Talked to someone you don't know?: Yep
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: Yep
Made out in a theatre?: A Cinema, Not Sure Bout The Theartre...
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: Yep
Been in love?: Yep, N Had My Heart Smashed To Bits Bcos Of It
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: George
Tell you, I love you?: Paige
Kiss you?: Emma
Hug you?: Kate
Tell you BYE?: Dan, My Bro
Write you a note?: No One =[
Take your photo?: Jazmine
Call your cell phone?: Paige
Buy you something?: My Mum
Go with you to the movies?: Adam And Mike
Sing to you?: No One
Write a poem about you?: No One =[
Text message you?: Paige
Touch you?: Um.... Im Not Telling You
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Wen I Was Stoned Last Nite
Time you cried?: Wen I Was Stoned Last Nite
Movie you watched?: Employee Of THe Month
Joke you told?: Cant Remember
Song you've sang?: Enter Sandman
Time you've looked at the clock?: Now.. You Made Me
Drink you've had?: Jack Daniels
Number you've dialed?: Um.. My Dads I Think
Book you've read?: Amazing, The Bio Of Arnorld Schwarzenneger, Hes Awsome =]
Food you've eaten?: Chicken Piela
Flavor of gum chewed?: Mint
Shoes you've worn?: Cowboy Boots
Store you've been in?: Metal Malitia
Thing you've said?: Fuck You, Bitch
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: Nope
Whistle?: Yep
Blow a bubble?: Yep
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Yep
Cross your eyes?: Yep
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Nope
Dance?: Yep
Gleek?: Wat The Fuk Is That
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: Yep
Speak a different language?: Yep
Impersonate someone?: Yep
Prank call people?: Yep
Make a card pyramid?: Not Very Well
Cook anything?: Yep
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Fish
I wish ...: I Was A Tiger
So many people don't know that ...: I Am A Bird, Wen
I am ...: A Tiger
My heart is ...: Big N Fat
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