camping,hiking,traveling, DJing, planning festivals, being creative and artistic.
musicians, artist, djs,... those who want to support art festivals, Bjork, Johnny depp, on a seprate note; the dumb ass who came up with reality TV shows. so i could smack them upside the head.
D&B,ronisize,juju,londoneletricity,markE,SUGAJONES(ESP) ellafitz,billieholiday,bjork,REVhortHEAt,squirlnutzipper,tom waits,Reggae, bobmarley,midnight,groundation,clintonferron,HOUSE,markfarri na,DOC,DAB,d-dogg... i like mostly every time of music except 40, country, and butt rock
classic movies with Audrey H... comidiessssssssssssss:)
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
my family..