GIRLS WITH SHORT HAIR. it's the one thing I can never get over with. It's just stylish. Well I love long hair too. But Short hair is stylish. other than, poker, music, nice restaurants, being sober.
A beautiful girl that appreciates beautiful things.
Taking Back Sunday. Dashboard Confessional. Travis Barker. Range Against the Machine (Alley Cat did that to me). Damion Rice. The Early November. Mayday Parade. The guy who sings the song "story of a girl". Anything that rocks your head off. "Your head is bobbling cause your neck knows its fat"
Dodgeball.. Man On Fire.. Butterfly Effect.. Zoolander.. American Pie 123.. Napolene Dynamite.. Blades of Glory.. Knocked Up.. Super Bad..
Anything sports, other than nascar. And I'm from Mooresville too. I love it.
I read minds. From reading Poker Books. Not a gambler. The key is to put yourself in the best situation for good things to happen to you. My philosophy. I should write my own damn book. But i wouldnt be able to spell for shit cause im pretty bad at it.
Kobe Bryant. Anyone that folds pocket aces at the right time (only counts if its on the flop). The asian guy in fast and furious. jk.