writing (http://valerievalentine.net), reading, people, ecology, bikes, travel, shoes, art, pens, family, language, communication, astrology, gender roles, my dog yoko, letters, how, why, what the fuck. skylight.
milwaukeeans. milwaukeeites? milwaukeeapolitans. como se dice...
fragmented, spacey experiments. jing jong triple play on wmse; now like photographs on radio k. dub/ambient/organic electronic. lastfm. limbik frequecies. dronezone.
recent selections from netflix: manufacturing consent; outfoxed: murdoch's war on journalism; sopranos; clean.
our house has one.
Reader's Bill of Rights: 1. The right not to read. 2. The right to skip pages. 3. The right not to finish. 4. The right to reread. 5. The right to read anything. 6. The right to escapism. 7. The right to read anywhere. 8. The right to browse. 9. The right to read out loud. 10. The right to not defend your taste.
jessica anne franklin; marian elaine hooyman; lois lane; smashalina jolie