As you should know my name is Shannon.. I left home and joined the military in 1999, which took me and my daughter Victoria to Norfolk, VA for 4 years. There I had alot of fun and got to see alot of different places. The only bad thing was, I had to take a huge boat (ship) CVN 75 to be exact to get there. ;) I decided to get out of the military after my contract ended due to the 2nd addition to my family my handsome son.....Benjamin. Came to California with my husband in 2003 and decided to go to college. Graduated college and starting working....Then added a 3rd addition to our growing family my daughter Alejandra. Time flies when I sit back and think of everything. Victoria is almost 11, Benjamin is 5, Aleh is 2, and our little Andrew is 6 months old. That's where I am today.
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