o' soul~where r u...? profile picture

o' soul~where r u...?

aku je..

About Me

huh hmm...wut can i say bout myself huh?i dunno...but can i say that i'm one self centered guy that loves attention but at the same time hates it...i'm really really really addicted to Football Manager(FM)...i loves to act but not quite gud at it...i'm also a big fan of ChelseaFC...hmmm... wut else ay? i dunno laa...make fren wif me and then u know laa...muaahahahahahahhaa....wait a minute, in conclusion "Me Is Myself"...THE END

My Interests

Football,soccer wutever u called it, J.R.R Tolkien's masterpieces and more and more and more

I'd like to meet:

exactly u who is reading this rite now....get it...


hmmm...talking bout music, i'm one universal guy...meaning i can listen to any music but preferably sumthing that is not too harsh and not too slow...


hmmm... i dunno...there's too many...


The Lord of The Rings trilogy, The Hobbit, The Silmarillion, The Unfinished Tales all by J.R.R Tolkien...and also The Harry Potter books

My Blog


muahahahahahahaha.... aku sebenarnya tak tahu pon ape kebende yang aku nak tulis kat sini... aku saje jer nak add sumthing kat sini supaya idak le kosong bila korang view aku nyer page... muahahaha...
Posted by o' soul~where r u...? on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST