FURY 161 profile picture

FURY 161

About Me

You can’t deny the world-wide impact of Dutch music in the 60’s, remember bands like The Outsiders and Q65 ?
Influenced by Dutch beat, early American garagepunk and underground comix.
Fury 161 took it upon themselves to spread the word of FUZZ once again.
”All-star Wrestling Matches” the first 4-track 7inch was released in 2001, after this stages were shared with the likes of the Nomads, the Rapiers, Zeke, Peter Pan Speedrock, and the Dirtbombs to name but a few.
In 2005 a 10inch/cd called “los Reyes de la Carretera” was released ,
7 tracks of the BEST soulstompin garagerock coming from the lowlands since decades.
And don’t only take our word for it!
However, disaster struck heavily when their bassplayer disappeared into thin air, together with all equipment, never to be seen again.
As I’m sure you’ll understand, this led to some line-up changes.
Featuring (ex)-members of The Apemen, 7 ZUMA 7, 69 Charger AND a brand new full-length album “ Talk Of The Town” up their sleeve
(beautiful artwork by Mr. Mitch o’connell)
Fury 161 is ready to rumble again.
Bring it on!
Check www.blendomatic.nl for Records & Merch !!

My Interests


Member Since: 04/12/2004
Band Website: Email us at; fury161rocks@gmail.com
Band Members:
Influences: 60's garage, psych, northern soul, and hashbrowns
Sounds Like:
"BadBoyBoogie" video, by 6e kolonne & Luc Sponselee
Want to see more? Just copy the following link to your browser and watch "Hipsville" live at VPRO's 3voor12!
http://cgi.omroep.nl/cgi-bin/streams?/vpro/22963019/surestre am.rm? title=Fury%20161%20-%20Hipsville&author=Fury%20161
Record Label: Tear It Up
Type of Label: Indie

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