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I am here for Friends

About Me

Right, well as im sure you have read im 24 now and my name is Sean or Prawn if you prefer. I am quite possibly the most laid back and chilled person you will ever hope to meet, but i am also brutally honest (i have upset a few people because of this)I live in great flat in ramsgate with my girlfriend Luna, I work nights and as a result i have become a bit of a vampire and am usually awake at night and the early hours of the morning. Also i do like a good cup of tea, as do most of my friends especially whilst having some kind of deep philosophical discussion. Myspace Contact TablesMySpace Layouts

My Interests

i love film, music and sport, like to read occasionally and have recently become interested in digital art, when im not working i love to go out with my mates to various pubs clubs etc especially if there is some live music

I'd like to meet:

people are generally good and interesting and so i wouldnt mind who i talk to, if you love music or film thats great as these are my two main hobbies, if you love a good cup of tea or happen to be a night person like myself i would love to chat, also anybody who is as awesome as these friends that i already have
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I love most kinds of music but especially punk, metal, grunge, indie and just general rock, anything from Marilyn Manson, Megadeath, pantera, system of a down, Metallica the likes of Jamie cullum, katie melua and norah jones. My favourite bands are as follows. Pearl Jam, Bad Religion, Red hot chilli peppers, NOFX, Rancid, Meat Puppets, Oasis, Ben Harper, the goo goo dolls, snow patrol, pantera, reel big fish ..


here is a list of some of my personal favs, boondock saints,Chopper,Ong-Bak,Oldboy,Dead mans shoes,Ammores Perros,City Of God,Bubba Ho-Tep,Clerks,The Thing,Ghost in the shell,princess mononoke,sexy beast,the eye,lord of the rings triolgy,good will hunting,serenity,aliens,training day,k-pax,lord of war,3 kings,baseketball,anchorman,usual suspects, and shit loads more ..


I dont watch tv unless im at work or the football is on, however there are several programs that i rate very highly, here are some of them/Curb your enthusiasm/Black books/Spaced/Extras/City of Men/4400/Phoenix nights/Coupling/The mighty boosh/The thick of it/Garth Marenghi's Dark Place/Red Dwarf/My Name is Earl/trailer park boys, also i do love the simpsons, futurama, family guy, southpark and beavis and butthead etc ..


I have read (like lots of people) the entire J.R.R Tolkien collection, also all 4 of Dan Browns books (very good, but should lay of the tweed jackets) and have recently been reading through the collection of James Pattersson books with the detective Alex Cross, ive also just finished reading the "his dark materials" trilogy and its absolutly awesome, such a fantastic story and im glad ive found it before they have made the film ..


Being a ginger bloke and supporting Man Utd Paul Scholes has allways been my footballing hero others not affiliated with football include Eddie Vedder, Dave Grohl, Phil Taylor, Kevin Smith, takeshi miike ..

My Blog

tagged thing

Have you been tagged? If so, here's the rules. Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end of the blog, you choose 10 peo...
Posted by Sean on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 05:44:00 PST


I originally heard about this movie a few months ago but it slipped from my memory and it was only seeing it on display whilst doing my monday night dvd buying which triggered of some brain cells whic...
Posted by Sean on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:47:00 PST

Hidden (cache)

This is the multi award winning french thriller by director Michael Haneke, and is dubbed as the first great film of the 21st century and to be honest im not entirely convinced why. The film follows t...
Posted by Sean on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 06:33:00 PST

The Drive For A Human Being

This is a horror film by the very promising director Liam Jackson (no relation to the peter) the first think to strike you with this film is the unexpected high quality production, the picture is perf...
Posted by Sean on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 07:17:00 PST

X-men 3-last stand

I have just returned from the cinema where i watched the new x-men film and i honestly dont know what to think about it, there are parts whch are truly awesome and certain characters introduced that s...
Posted by Sean on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 04:02:00 PST


well this is the debut film from director Menhaj Huda and it essentially focus's on the "youth" culture of London, The film kicks of at the school were all the people involved attend, straight away yo...
Posted by Sean on Tue, 23 May 2006 08:24:00 PST


ok originally i was going to avoid this film because of all the hype that had surrounded it and its leading actor Jake Gyllenhaal (brokeback mountain is an awful film only made famous by the fact its ...
Posted by Sean on Mon, 22 May 2006 05:44:00 PST

Lady Vengeance

This film "Lady Vengeance" is the latest in the revenge series of films by the acclaimed Korean director Park Chan-wook (sympathy for mr vengeance, oldboy) the story follows a young woman Lee Guam-ja ...
Posted by Sean on Sun, 07 May 2006 10:26:00 PST

My Birthday

Last night was my birthday, my 23rd to be exact, i got the usual cards and presents from my family members, as you do. Then me and a few friends went to a pub in canterbury called the beercart, i met ...
Posted by Sean on Wed, 03 May 2006 04:57:00 PST

Night Watch

Right just watched one of the most amazing films i have ever seen and its only the first part in an epic trilogy, its a russian film and it is called night watch and essentially it focus's on the batt...
Posted by Sean on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:02:00 PST