Yogurt with honey. The infinite Abyss. Chocolate tiny teddies. Spontaneous combustion. Ironing my bed sheets. Other spellings and pronounciations of my name. My soft toys. Photos. Freckles. French Vogue. Clothes. Lazy, sunny days. The seaside. The countryside. Picnics. Cheap Alcohol. Coincidences. Dancing with no music. Snail mail. Holding but not smoking cigarettes. Books. Travelling Incognito. Sherbert Fizzes. Attractive people on public transport. Pink Oasis drinks. Old people who hold hands. Hammocks. Music. Bed. Heroin Chic. Sitting in sunshine. Walking in the rain listening to music. Fruit. Conspiracy theories. Laughing until your stomach hurts. Conundrums. Putting Paw Paw lotion EVERYWHERE. Gloria Jean's Tim Tam ice chocolates. Picnic drumsticks. Rainbow Paddlepops. Smses. New posessions. Bobby pins. Postcards. Boats. Crooked smiles. Drooling from laughter. Big salads. Strangers who smile at me. Getting hot from excitement. New friends. Photos that capture moments exactly. Songs that remind you of something specific. Not having to get out of bed when it's raining. Crackling of fire and records. The feel of turning the pages of a book. Getting red patches after a hot shower. The rush after jumping from something high into water. Themed parties. Getting nervous and getting butterflies. Positive tension. Candlelit rooms or dimly lit rooms. Watching the sea. Taking time to listen to nature, especially in forests or on cliffs. Forget-me-nots. Small tokens from friends. Being somewhere beautiful alone.
Someone else who dances on the roof, in fields and in the garden.
people willing to go to click click or pogo and use my lists
Anal Cunt.
Overall, I have better things to do with my time, for example; going on MySpace, MSN, staring at nothing and eating. (Quite seriously this is how 80% of my time is spent).
My only friends off MySpace...