beth chapman ! profile picture

beth chapman !

lights will guide you home.

About Me

Message. Add. Comment. InkNation! Last FM! DeviantArt!
My real name is Rochelle, Chelle is fine though. I'm pure gibberish.
I'm not everyones cuppa tea but I'm my own "happy and proud with myself", thats all that counts to me really :] !
add my photography / art page please ( click the image ) :
Lights Out !
I believe the sun should never set upon an argument.
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands.
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you.
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do.
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem.
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone.
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned.
I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned.
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side.
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye.
I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality.
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy.
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul.
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold.
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair.
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires.
I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness.
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed.
I believe that God does not endorse tv evangelists.
I believe in love surviving death into eternity.

My Interests

I dont know how he can put up with me!

Positivity.Karma. Nintendo DS & buspass. Anything Vanilla & Peanut butter. Art & photography. New school ink. Versace red jeans perfume.

Always ♥ : MxPx. NOFX. Kid Dynamite. All Shall Perish. Good Clean Fun. Set Your Goals. New Found Glory. The Streets. ↓

Slayer. Cattle Decapitation. Daft Punk. Zao. Op Ivy. Lady sov. Death Cab For Cutie. Bring Me The Horizon. Secondhand Serenade. The Sawtooth Srin. Raised Fist. The Streets. Sinking Ships. Leftover Crack. Righeous Jams. Pointing Finger. Teen Idols. Slagsmalsklubben. Pendulum. Cannibal Corpse. Shy FX. Rob Zombie. Beastie Boys. DonnyBrook. Kids Like Us. Pennywise. Set It Straight. Bloodbath. Municipal Waste. Throwdown. Knights Of The Abyss. Lars & The Bastards. Know The Score. Converge. War Of Ages. Tiger Army. Full Blown Chaos. Floorpunch. Strung Out. Transplants. David Bowie. xLooking Forwardx. The Faceless. xBishopx. With Honour. Andrew WK. A7X. War From A Harlots Mouth. Elvis Presley. A Wilhelm Scream. The Distillers. Weezer. Through The Eyes Of The Dead. Valencia. Tsunami Bomb. Hit The Lights. 100 Demons. Gwar. We Came With Broken Teeth. The Cootees. Dropdead. Capdown. Get Fucking Dead. Daggermouth. Bright Eyes. Faith No More. AFI. Big D & The Kids Table. Himsa. Decapitated. Rancid. The Smiths. Brand New. Madball. The Casualties. Gay For Johnny Depp. The Bouncing Souls. xCasey Jonesx. KillWhitneyDead. The Banner. The Tony Danza Tapdance Bonanza. Billy Talent. Have Heart. Your Demise. Bigwig. Misfits. Shook Ones. Deftones. Abigail Williams. Judge. Minor Threat. Bury Your Dead. Danzig. Mortal Treason. Zombie Apolocalypse. Ghenghis Tron. Betrayed. Micheal Jackson.

I'd like to meet:

11 / 11 / 06 !

I would of liked to of met Richard Pryor. He is a comedy genious and the amount of ups and downs he went through to do what he loved and die with a smile is inspiring.


"It's more than a T-shirt, It's more than a tattoo, It's more than a phase, This is how I was raised."
mxpx. lady sov. kid dynamite. nfg. smp. slayer. xlooking forwardx. anti-flag. xdeathstarx. kids like us. camorra. agnostic front. jesus wept. killswitch engage. eternal lord. knights of the abyss. bloodbath. deathcab for cutie. morrisey. the smiths. capdown. leng tch'e. the cootees. op ivy. baysix. abigail williams. afi. this is hell. guttermouth. your demise. beastie boys. the lawrence arms. pendulum. cattle decapitation. war of ages. decapitated. the faceless. lethal bizzle. unit pride. black my heart. ltj. tiger army. the descendents. shook ones. xforgivness deniedx. converge. with honour. tteotd. danzig. hed pe. zombie apolocalypse. the f-ups. maylene & sons of disaster. zombina & the skeletones. brutal truth. bigwig. motley crue. nofx. donnybrook! pantera. bayside. the bouncing souls. andrew wk. valencia. cro-mags. tony danza tapdance extravaganza. ghost mice. all shall perish. raised fist. righteous jams. set your goals. mortal treason. despised icon. wilhelm scream. gorerotted. violent apathy. most precious blood. the distillers. emery. brand new. war from a harlots mouth. strung out. municipal waste. hit the lights. icp. the hunt for ida wave. explosions in the sky. floorpunch. froufrou. gather. genghis tron. good clean fun. have heart. stone roses. i killed the prom queen. jedi mind tricks. necrophagist. our corpse destroyed. choking victim. outnumbered. pennywise. ptw. the red chord. set it straight. skindred.
hereos !


Grandad Graham. My saviour. He taught me everything I value in myself. He left me in 2001 but he's always going to be my best friend.

Clarebear. For sticking by me through everything. My rock.
Willow Bennett. I doubt Id be here if it wasnt for him, He did more for me than he knows.
Gina Sourz. My partner in crime. For all the amazing memories, laughs and throwing up funny colours together.
Prancin' Dale & APK. My baby brothers, thicker than blood.

My Blog

- remind me of the stupid shit ive done.

Post your memories you have of me and the time we have spent  include pictures and videos if you want talk about the times i hav spent with you
Posted by beth chapman ! on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:53:00 PST