my name is doug, ok my name is not actually doug but i wish it was. u know my name if u don't, add me and find it out. I am 18 (get ur own booze and fags)I make moosic, i spend stupid amounts of money on nuffin, i hang round with a load of freaks who also waste their monies an stuff.Many of them enjoy booze and rtasLEAVE ME SUM SHIT YE IT 'LL BE WELL BUM , KEEP FUKIN THE IDIOTS! YEAH?420 Myspace 420 Myspace Layouts 420 Myspace Comments 420 Myspace Graphicss 420 Myspace Images 420 Myspace Stuff Simple Myspace Layouts Cute Myspace Layouts Myspace Quotes St. Patricks Day Myspace Layouts St Patricks Day Myspace Comments St Patricks Day Myspace Graphics St Patricks Day Myspace Images Love Myspace Layouts Abstract Myspace Layouts Plain Myspace Layouts Alcohol Layouts Emo Myspace Layouts Dark Myspace Layouts
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