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About Me

*bout you*
¢¾Bout You
Full Name:: Gwendreka Shamitrius Thomas
Nicknames:: Dreka
Birthday:: 02/28/1986
Birthplace:: Birmingham, Alabama
Current Location:: Birmingham and Jacksonville
Mood:: Laughing at stupid niggas
Height:: 5'7''
Weight:: big girl
Tatoos:: 2
Piercings:: 5
Hair Color:: black
Eye Color:: light brown
¢¾ Your
Overused Phrase:: fuck you
Bedtime:: whenever im tired
Best Physical Feature:: lips
Weakness:: my kindness
Fears:: GOD, snakes, lizards and bugs
Most Embarrassing Moment:: none of ur damn business
Most Missed Memory:: my uncle
1st Thought Awaking:: damn i gotta pee
Best Friends:: dee-dee, ashley, candace, cole,
¢¾This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King:: Mcdonalds
Chocolate or Vanilla:: both
Water or Milk:: both
Coffee or Hot Chocolate:: Hot Chocolate
Hugs or Kisses:: both
Making Out or Kissing:: making out
Cats or Dogs:: dogs
Hugs From Friends or Hugs From gf/bf:: both
Summer or Winter:: summer
Scary or Romantic Movies:: both
Love or Money:: both
Green or Purple Grapes:: don't like grapes
¢¾ In Bf/ Gf
Preffered Eye Color:: brown
Preffered Hair Color:: black
Short or Long Hair:: doesn't matter
Preffered Height:: 5'7''
Preffered Weight:: doesn't matter
Looks or Personality:: personality
Beautiful or Hot:: both
Handsome or Sexy:: both
♥ Love
Lets Talk Bout Love:: sure ok go head
Been In Love:: yes
With:: William Lee Topps 3rd
First Love:: no
Still In Love With Them:: yes
How Much:: a lot
Do You Miss Someone Now:: yes
Who:: my family and William
What About Them Do You Love Most:: everything
¢¾ Last Person..
You Called:: Kerry (twin)
Called You:: Mom
Texted You:: William
Said I Love You:: William
You Said I Love You To:: William
You Missed:: William and family
Took Your Pic:: Candace
To Go To The Movies With:: Family
¢¾Have You
Stayed Up All Night Waiting For Someone To Call:: yes
Drank:: yes
Smoked Anything:: yes
Skinny Dipped:: no
Done Drugs:: no
Played Spin The Bottle:: yes
Toilet Papered Someones House:: no
Made Out In Theatre:: yes
Made Out In Car:: yes
Went Camping:: no
Cried During Movie:: yes
Like Someone and Not Tell Them:: yes
Been Tickled So Bad You Cried:: yes
Been Tickled So Bad You Couldn't Talk:: yes
Danced In The Rain:: yes
Been On Stage:: yes
Laughed For No Reason:: yes
Smiled For No Reason:: yes
Yelled At Your Pet:: no
Hung Up On Someone:: yes
Asked Someone To Marry You:: no
Stalked Someone:: no
Walked In Rain Without Umbrella:: yes
Protested:: no
Been On A Cruise:: no
Cried Over Girl/ Guy:: yes
Been On Plane:: no
Thrown Your Shoe At Someone:: yes
Sung In Shower:: yes
Been Heart Broken:: yes
Broken Someones Heart:: yes
¢¾ Randoms
Think Your Attractive:: hell yes
Regret Something:: yes
Way You Want To Die:: full, happy and after some great sex
Believe In Yourself:: hell yes
Been Emotionally Hurt By Something Your Parents Decided To Do: no
Want To Get Married:: yes
Want Kids:: yes
Believe In Yourself:: yes
Get Along With Parents:: yes
Can You Open Your Eyes Underwater:: yes
Touch Tongue To Nose:: no
Unwrap Starburst With Tongue:: yes
Shower Daily:: yes
Can You MultiTask:: yes
Whistle:: yes
Can You Do The Splits:: no
What Is Your Fav Scent:: cucumber melon
What Scent Do You Wear:: cucumber melon
Do People Comment You On Your Scent:: yes
What Soap Do You Use:: whateva smells good
Like Thunderstorms:: hell no
If You Could Live Forever Would You:: hell yea
Say Bye:: bye
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How to make a GWENDREKA
1 part anger
1 part ambition
5 parts energy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of curiosity and a pinch of salt. Yum!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com


How to make a DREKA
1 part competetiveness
3 parts crazyiness
1 part joy
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add caring to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com