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My Interests


Rich Mullins & Michael Card. Mullins-what can you say about a guy who took a vow of poverty, and yet writes 2 of the most popular songs of the Contemporary Christian Music Era, Awesome God and Sometimes by Step, and then rounds it off with the Jesus Album. It's not about Rich, it's about Christ. Unlike most modern worship, his music and his life call the Christian to personal reflection, devotion to Christ, loving action, concern for the poor, and an eternal focus that is grateful for the beauty of creation by giving due honor to the Creator. And that hammar dulcimer...Card looks so closely at Scripture, and sees Jesus, even in the Mosaic Law. He connect the dots all the way to the cross.


Veggie Tales, and sports. TV is bubblegum for the brain, and my brain is all chewed out.


Winston Churchill's WW II memoirs are fascinating, if for no other reason than the guy has firsthand knowledge of what went on behind the scenes.Partly Right, by Tony Campolo. Not sure about this book, though it is informative. All this talk of Bourgoisie and Proletariate drives me crazy. However, the point that I need to live a little closer to the edge is something to take hold of.

My Blog


Hmm. my last posting was almost a year ago.  Well, now it's time for my annual update.  Let's see    1. Baby girl on the way, June 6, to be born in the hospital where I work.&...
Posted by ray on Fri, 02 May 2008 01:16:00 PST

General Comments

So now for my once every six months blog posting.  for news on my family, check out "Angie".  She knows more than I do, and is on line far more than I am.  In fact, any recent changes a...
Posted by ray on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:23:00 PST

Earl's book

   Off-Road disciplines is an interesting blend of Post-Modern research, in classic Post-Modern style (if there is such a thing), for Moderns.  One would definitely conclude that it's o...
Posted by ray on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:53:00 PST


A TV actress once said that in her life she is trying to become less me oriented, and yet she has a publicist to promote her career.  That has stuck with me because I see her dilemma.  I liv...
Posted by ray on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 06:46:00 PST