**kR!StA** profile picture


i never stick my nose into shit that aint concerning me but ill be the first to swing man if ya burn

About Me

a>LiStEn YoU fUcKeRs YoU sCrEwHeAdS hErE iS a GiRl ThAt WoUlD nOt TaKe AnYmOrE a GiRl wHo StOoD uP aGaiNsT tHe ScUm,tHe KuNtS,tHe DoGs,ThE fIlTh,ThE sHiT hErE iS sOmEoNe WhO sToOd uP hErE iS.......My name is kRiStA and "WeLl I sAy FoRgEt aBoUt EvErYtHiNg YoU hEaRd!"what I LOVE the MOST <3POWERMAN 5000<3! as you can see!!!...I love going to Dodger games, shoppin,*sTaRs*,the color P!NK, I love just chillin like a villian w/my friends..Specailly with the five sweetest guys ever who mean the most <3JoHnNyrOcK,sPiDeR,sIgGy,TeRrY,& aDrIaN <3 it doesnt get any better than that... i like talkin on my cell phone... I love traveling just checkin out new places specially when it comes to pm5k wanna see them in every city on every street.....I love MUSIC, without it I don't know what I would do its always been about the music for me specially going to shows and just rockin!!!i like drinking PINA COLADAS!!! lol :) j/k but I do love to drink! Give me another bay breeze please!!!....target="_blank">.."http://i96.photobucket.co m/albums/l162/kristatate/krista.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

My Interests

WHAT IMORE THAN ANYTHING AND WHAT MEANS THE MOST TO ME AND FORSURE WHAT HOLDS THE GREATEST MEMORIES OF THE BEST TIMES I'VE EVER HAD ..... ROCK!NG out to and of course hanging out with the pm5k boys every chance i get...MUSIC!!! mUsIc!! MuSIc!!..... CONCERTS!!!!!! SHOPPING specially when it comes to purses and shoes!!!!(HOLY SHIT am i bad with purses shit son!)pretty much anything thats !! Going to dodger games specially when WEaVeRs throwin!!!!! *sTaRs*!!**DISNEYLAND**,traveling!! and hanging out with all my bitches!!!!!>..

I'd like to meet:

Well I've already become the luckiest girl ever not only to get to meet the pm5k boys but become friends with the five coolest guys ill ever meet ....... I love u boys!!!!!!!! Thanx for everything!!!!! Not to mention all the other awesome people I've been lucky to come across and meet there are soOO many to list....... and many more I'd like to meet!Hosting"> ..




funny ones, scary ones... long ones, short ones... you know what i'm talkin' about.... those ones..... DoN't Be AfRaId oF tHe FuTuRe iT DoEsN't InClUdE YoU iT oNlY rEmOvEs yOu.... .. .. ..


CRAP MOVIES AND SHIT TV!!!! unless its a powerman 5000 video or something cause pm5k is awesome and spiders fuckin hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


uhh, no books for me... HATE READING! its all about the mUsIc...


the one and only..the only one.. SPIDER ONE!! and ofcourse the rest of the powerman guys terry siggy adrian and johnny!! i love you guys!!!..
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