Gabriella profile picture


About Me

I'm 29, english-italian, brough up in wales, went to uni in bath, work for tesco, need to spend less time playing on myspace and more time getting a life! but i guess this will do for now...
As for my friends on myspace, well they are all real friends that i really know and really like! My top 8 are:
No.1: My lovely crazy little sister Giulietta who is not very much like me at all except that we are related... but she thinks she's the milkman's and I may well agree!
No.2: My flatmate Emma who I've lived with for over 2 years in our lovely girlie pad in Hertford! She's not really into the whole myspace thing but I made her a page anyway!
No.3: Caroline, my former uni housemate and one of my best friends in the whole wide world who has finally come over to the light side and joined myspace... hooray!
No.4: Liza my Ayia Napa and Barcelona party pal... what goes on tour stays on tour and all that, especially when it involves buddha bars, irish boys and being kicked out of swimming pools at 3am!
No.5: Matt & Caroline's breakfast show on KissFM! Caroline aka Blondie is one of my bestest gal pals in the world and I was her friend BEFORE she got famous!
No.6: The gorgeous Mr George, my uni pal and the one man in the world who can make me laugh until I hurt (in a good way!), especially when he does billy the fish!
No.7: Lyndsey my regular pull in uni and always willing to help me win the pulling points competitions I had with the girls in Babylon... but then he got a girlfriend and we weren't allowed to play anymore :-(
No.8: Chess who I sat next to in primary school and fancied when I was about 8 but he only wanted me for my felt tips! He proposed once in the apollo though if that counts?!
No.9-12 my school girlie pals Emma, Amy, Evonne & Jemma
and last but not least....
No.13-20 some of the lovely staff from Tesco in Hatfield and Colchester who kept me sane/alive/entertained whilst I was working there (well, apart from sweeno who I spent most of my time telling off haha! but he's alright really i spose!)
To be honest most of my crew think I am a complete loser for having a myspace page at my age (i'm not 30 yet though!) but hey it's meant i've been able to get back in touch with loadsa people i've lost touch with over the years which is a good enough reason to have one for me!

My Interests

family and friends, city breaks, italy, rugby, flowers, wine, champagne, cooking, driving with the roof down, summer, sea, sand, surf, sunshine, fake tan

I'd like to meet:

hugo southwell. plays rugby for scotland. don't actually know what i'd do if i met him though. probably run away!


varied... i love music and lots of it... used to play it. now just listen to it. classical to rock, disco to dance. Fave album for playing loudly is carmine meo by emma shapplin (opera meets dance... it's awesome!)


shawshank redemption, top gun, when harry met sally, dirty dancing etc. anything feel good. love international films too so long as they're not dubbed!


hollyoaks on a lazy sunday. also love rugby season as six nations makes great tv and great drinking opportunities.


marie claire and cosmo


my family and friends... for each making my life so much more complete

My Blog

I'm Racing for Life... please sponsor me!

Yes, you read it right, I am going to do a run!  It is the Cancer Research UK Annual Race for Life which is sponsored by Tesco. I have been touched over the years by people in my life whose lives...
Posted by Gabriella on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 03:27:00 PST

Las Fallas y Valencia

Emma and I just got back from our mini-break to Valencia. This being on Lent business killed me when we discovered the traditional Valencian cuisine involved doughnut stick things which you dip in cho...
Posted by Gabriella on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 02:48:00 PST

Why I love Italian Cars

So right here, right now, the only thing I love about Italian cars is that they look nice and not many people have got them. Today I started to realise why no-one other than myself and my family enter...
Posted by Gabriella on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 10:08:00 PST

40 days and 40 nights

For those of you who know me well, you'll know that every year since I was about 5 I've given up all indulgences for Lent in the hope that one day I may go to Heaven for being a good person.  So ...
Posted by Gabriella on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 04:21:00 PST

Oh Barcelona!

Liza Doolittle (see my friends for her pic!) and I headed off to Barcelona and, as always, there were a number of dramas along the way. It seems to be the thing with us... the scene was set when we we...
Posted by Gabriella on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:21:00 PST

My Private Pilot

The coolest thing happened on Monday, albeit planned... I went up to Newcastle to see my friend Pete for a few days and he actually flew me in his plane! Well, technically it's not HIS plane, it belon...
Posted by Gabriella on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 12:43:00 PST

Being a Hooker

I got one of those crap bulletins from Will that said to google yourself by putting 'YOURNAME looks like' and see what happens. I typed 'gabriella looks like' in the box and clicked on 'i'm feeling lu...
Posted by Gabriella on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 03:38:00 PST

new year in costa del cawl

New Year's Eve.... always the pressure to come up with something cool, exciting, memorable, alcohol-fuelled, and yet it never quite lives up to all it's hyped up to be and it costs a fortune for littl...
Posted by Gabriella on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 03:23:00 PST

jan sales in december

for the first time in many years i decided not to head for the crazy boxing day sales even though i know i could've bagged some serious shoe bargains in selfridges... i'm feeling a bit tense about it ...
Posted by Gabriella on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 04:04:00 PST

cyberworld sadness at christmas

so here we are, christmas day... we've all drunk too much moet. mum is making turkey sandwiches, dad is playing scalextrix and giuls and i are both sat on the sofa on the laptops. she's doing res...
Posted by Gabriella on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 03:59:00 PST