I have lots of different interests . Most time I spent my time at my favourite hobby Basketball - wheter playing myself , working at Alba Berlin or watching Alba or TuSLi Games at home or on the road. Furthermore I love to photograph , draw , read and hanging out with my friends
Id like to meet nice people from all over the world , who share similar interests with me
MySpace Avatars Lyrics
MySpace Avatars Lyrics
Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1 war
2 wasps
3 Fire
Three people who make me laugh:
1 My Soulsisters
2 my parents
3 Nino
Three Things I love:
1 my rabbit
2 Basketball
3 Summer
Three Things I hate:
1 Arguements
2 Jealousy
3 Gossip behind the back
Three things I don't understand:
1 why so-called friends one day start to spread gossip about you
2 Maths
3 how people can commit genocide
Three things on my desk:
1 Picture frames
2 Pencils
3 Homework
Three things I'm doing right now:
1 listen to music
2 pimp up my Myspace
3 chatting at msn
Three things I want to do before I die:
1 Seeing every capital of europe
2 Find someone to get old with
3 tell my friends how much they mean to me
Three things I can do:
1 sing in a choir
2 sometimes thought-reading
3 draw very fast
Three ways to describe my personality:
1 sassy
2 candid
3 adoreable
Three things I can't do:
1 doing my math homework properly
2 stop biting my nails
3 making a Dunk ^^
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I love music ! That's why I started studying media's management. What my faves are ? Well that would last too long to write down everything. But here'll be a shortcut soon. Watch out.
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I also love books, that's why I can't write down everything again here. But my most favourite book is "The book thief" by Mark Zusak . You must have read that. It's so awesome, but on the otherhand it can make you cry.