norfairuz profile picture


hallu .....

About Me


My Interests

Interest ? I don't know ....exactly .Everything I did just temporary .None of them seems longer .But what i've been thinking is reading ...I like to read ..wutever it is as long i'm in the toilet .Even if it is just a label ..ahaks ..I like to explore ,investigate wut i like .For an example , if i like this guy ,I will do every step of CSI did to find the conclusion ...hihihihi Watching ? yeah quite a hobby ? erm my hobby!! Meet new people ..i love it's good getting new in everything .Its lke we r a princess but not alwiz .My fav color is pink .So i prefer pink in everything i choose ...Just to make sure i have my own identity .That's all .I like pink coz i felt many people hate it much ...I like wut people hate cuz it's seems we r the only one own it ..

I'd like to meet:

I wish I could meet all the past memory I had which is memorable and then try to live with it .But I just knew ,I can't do that so I let my past went by itself .I also wanna meet all who are fans of pink color .It must be great then .I don't wish to meet my idol .It's not so great to express all the emotion to the one we like most .Ouch ..I feel shy .I just can't imagine if i had too or just unpredictable meet them on the street .Do i have to say hello or just ignore them ,pretending it wasn't happened ? I can't make the right decsion .Anyway ..whoever I met before ,I aprreciate becoz every face in this world is unique ,though it's same or likely the same but deep inside we have our own identty ...

My Blog

merry christmas and yuhoo ..ujung thn akan tiba

sorry ,i have no time to reply but ..keep in touch ok ? i'm sure wutever i did i will never let my space out of my mind .Thank u my space for let my future go on with it.
Posted by norfairuz on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 11:14:00 PST

happy belated birthday to me ...

huh ..several day dah lepas ..and now i'm 24 years old ..aku rasa malas nak tulis tapi tulah takkan aku tak wish kat diri aku besday aku ..takder aper yg membanggakan ,itulah phrase aku utk thn nih yg...
Posted by norfairuz on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 02:31:00 PST

cabut gigi ngan mother's day

Huh ..bbrp hari yg lepas aku jumper dentist nengokkkan keadaan gigi gigi aku yg aku tak bole kunyah dah .Mkn jer ngilu even makan roti ..Oh ya ring ring ..ada panggilan tepon kejab .Fuh sebab pakai ub...
Posted by norfairuz on Fri, 12 May 2006 03:41:00 PST

sakit gusi

argh ..dah bbrp hari nih aku sakit gusi ..bila pakai torch light nengok ada gusi bengkak plus nak tumbuh gigi baru .dah tua tua pun nak tumbuh gigi ..sakit deh ..rasaa mcm nak cabut jer gigi tuh ..har...
Posted by norfairuz on Fri, 05 May 2006 06:11:00 PST

bila dibenci.........

aku sedih ..aku tahu ramai tak suka aku ..aku bukan nak jutaan peminat tapi aku nak org anggap aku mcm org biasa yg punya kesilapan ..ini tak aku sedih kalau kene sindir ..aku cakap aku kene sindir ,b...
Posted by norfairuz on Wed, 03 May 2006 06:04:00 PST

malam yg ngeri ..

argh....dua mlam nih hari menakutkan pada aku .mcm malam tadi ,aku tak tido ...fuh mcm mcm aku cakap sorang sorang ..melalut pasal dia lagi ..Aku rasa dah jemu tapi suara suara tuh makin kuat lak .bar...
Posted by norfairuz on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 04:18:00 PST

dunianya yg besar .....aku ?

Sedap lak dengar lagu lama ,emilia - big big world ..okla sungguh menarik hati sebab aku rasa mcm tuh .Aku nak lupakan dia tapi aku tak dapat tapi aku rasa rindu .Aku mmg patut melupakan dia setelah c...
Posted by norfairuz on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 08:03:00 PST

tak sedap hati .........

Arghh ..aku tak sedap hatil tul .Mak aku mcm marah kat aku jerk ..mesti dia marah aku tak kemas rumah tak masak ..argh ..dia kater kalau sayang mak kene kemas rumah ,memasak ..bengang aku ..Sel...
Posted by norfairuz on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 04:16:00 PST

umah bersepah ..and i 'm staring

Dari hall sampai dapur mcm tongkang pecah.Ari nih sumer org takder .Mama abah gi keje .Nana ngan zati pi amik result .Daus keje .Aku jer kat umah .Aku ingatkan Zati tak ikut ,rupanya mengekor .Semalam...
Posted by norfairuz on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 01:30:00 PST

sleeping pill

It's harder than i thought ,I can't sleep .i've taken it for years but god still love me ..i didn't adicted to it yet ..yeh the problem is working ..still seeking for work .I hope i can find a good jo...
Posted by norfairuz on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 07:15:00 PST