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What celebrity couple are you and your man or girl?
Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith
you and your man or girl are Jada and Will.Everyone knows yall got together and if they don't you will let them know .your love for each other is out in the open.
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What Kind of Chevy Should You be Rollin' in?
This cute little car is what you want to be seen in. It's perfect for you and the girls to take to the mall or the beach.
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What clothing store are you?
Looking the best is the most impportant ting...Who cares about the money...its your dads anyway...
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WhOs YoUr CeLeB tWiN ? ? ? (wItH pIcS) FoR gUys And GirLs !!!
Beyonce Knowles
Your Twin is Beyonce Knowles!!!! You are sexy fun and classy. When it comes to popularity you are the gal. You have many talents and when it comes to dancing no one can beat you. You have guys lined up around the block and you know it. Your personality is head over heels. Just watch out you might make people fall crazy in love.
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what celebrity bootay do you have? (girls only)
Youre sexy and know how to shake what your momma gave you!
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