Homer Hiccolm and the Rocketboys
Whatis the difference between most guys who go to RE Fowlers and Massengil Douche? The douche may one day be inside a vagina.
r Brooks, Gabe, Nick, Joe, Kevin Paul, Hinshaw, Kevin, Chris, Ricky Manny, Ricky, Chet, Steven Z, Woody Brian, Chris, Lois, Meg, Peter Every time i watch Entourage while drinking I want to go to Blockbuster and rent Aquaman. Then I just feel dumb.
Step 1: Learn to Read. Step 2: Learn the Dewey Decimal System. Step 3: Buy a Warehouse for all your books. Step 4: Never, Ever, Ever, (ever) get laid again. Step 5: Remember Step 4. (Never)
The world's first (and last) 'Analyst / Therapist' Tobias, you will be missed.