I embody a girl named Natalie. I enjoy silence and laughter. Eating healthily makes me feel alive. I question the source of everything. I express music with my body through dance. My favorite sense is smell. My favorite scent is fire and dirt. I play many different instruments of size and tone. Body language is everything. Hands are very intriguing. I enjoy observing people as primitive beings rather than sophisticated intellectuals. I prefer solitude.
I'm quite fond of imagination. I like to create. Thrift stores are my therapy. I like to collect children's books.In conversation, you may find that I don't talk about myself much. It's not that there isn't much to tell, it's just that you havn't asked.The Earth is my religion. The basis for my spiritual beliefs lie in feminine divinity. It's quite simple, really. All life emerged from the sea. In essence, the sea is our mother. Without water, we do not exist. I look to the rivers and canyons and see no face of any god.I want to live on a farm.I believe the tree of knowledge has many branches and if I leave my mind open, free of judgment, there is no limit to what I could possibly learn.