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My name is Enocc of HGSavage Family. I'm Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota. Everything else about me means nothing so there is no need to talk about it. Savage Fam is not our name it is a code of conduct which means Standing Against Violent Adversaries and Genocidal Environments Forever Always Movement. Our sole purpose is to help our youth and be positive role models for them. It is them who has not had a voice, due to the white man's way, saying that the only voices that matter must be 18 years or older. It is them who suffer the most and them who are still blessed with innocence, it is with the utmost importance that we try to reverse the effects of this oppression. We will fight until our pride, spirit, mindset, and manner as native people has returned. We fight for every native that has ever been lied to, hurt (whether it is emotionally or physically), starved, oppressed, cheated or murdered by the United Snakes. I'm against everything the United Snakes stands for, and have not forgotten that the American flag was carried into battle against my ancestors, which many of them were innocent women and children. If you are aware of the problems that plague natives in this day and age, and continue to do nothing, that's called being a sell-out. We are oppressed, so oppressed natives start to believe in the lies of capitalism and believe they can utilize the very system that oppresses them to succeed. There is no half steppin, no ridin fences, and no compromising our position in this struggle. Our love for our people carries us beyond fear, we don't even exist outside the truth. With the capability comes responsibility, as warriors we have obligations to our people first. Real warriors live totally selfless and are ready to sacrifice everything at any given time. Fuck material possesions my people matter more than anything. If you do nothing for the suffering then you have a hand in it too. if you claimin you a warrior then this message for you, keep it movement for the people now fuck excuses!! Stay up and keep in motion fam.