I absolutely love softball. I played that sport for about 10 years. I wanted to play in college but when tryouts were approaching, I found out that I would have the best thing that has ever happened to me, in about 9 months. I love the beach, tennis, Atlanta Braves :), volleyball, and other sports. I go skinboarding with my dad a good bit, we just got into that. I enjoy fishing, I try to surf, golf is fun and challenging, and sometimes every blue moon, I like to read.
You Are a Margarita
You aren't just the life of the party, you are the party!
You mix a good drink, bust out some great music, and know how to get down.
What Mixed Drink Are You?
I absolutely love Jimmy Buffett!!!!! He is the greatest. When I'm not listening to him, I enjoy every other type of music except for the really heavy metal. I like some but definitely not a lot of it. I mainly listen to country, r&b, beach music, and alternative mess.
I have really been into horror movies lately. I also like a good laugh too. Not really too much into the romance love stories with the great, happy ending. Gets too mooshy for me. But whatever I'm in the mood for, that's what I watch.
I always have loved Law and Order. I also like Charmed. Other than that, it's Looney Tunes, Mickey Mouse, or any other cartoon character that my little girl wants to watch.
Your Deadly Sins
Sloth: 40%
Gluttony: 20%
Greed: 20%
Pride: 20%
Envy: 0%
Lust: 0%
Wrath: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice.
How Sinful Are You?