I'm into surfing, rugby, I LOVE DELTA ZETA (my sorority), and I come from a HUGE Harley Riding Family, so of course that is my ultimate passion.
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I listen to just about anything. Mostly Country though (it was what I was raised on). But depeding on my mood I'll range it anywhere from classics like dean martin to rock music. It just depends on the day of the week.
My favorite movies are Endless Summer, Man of the House (cause it features the Texas Longhorns - only the GREATEST college football team EVER), Blue Collar Comedy Tour, and some others!
FAMILY GUY! Okay come on, who doesn't love Family Guy! If you don't love Family guy then stop looking at my profile! (just kidding) And of course the GILMORE GIRLS! Yes I have all 6 seasons...I know I'm pathetic...
My favorite book is On a Wave, by Thad Ziolkowski
I have three heros: My Oma, because she raised me to be the willful and self sufficent person I am today while teaching me what life was about and what my true hertiage is/was. My mom for always being there for me and guiding me (even if I don't always agree with her. And my best friend David, because of him I know who I am, he has held my hand through life for for the past 8 years, and for that I am eternally grateful. He has taught me what life was really about and how to always stay on top even when the rest of the world is kicking you down...