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About Me

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Toxaemia was formed by longtime friends Pontus Cervin, Emil Norrman and Stevo Bolgakov. It all began with a desire to play the music we loved to listen to. We went to a local gig and saw a few local bands. After this it was decided to form a band. None of us could play! We picked out instruments and in the first ever lineup Emil played Guitar and a guy called Brun (Markus) was supposed to play the drums. Stevo on guitar and Pontus on the bass. It soon became evident that Brun was not a natural drummer and Emil steeped in to do the drums. It was decided to try out Brun on vocals. We called our selves O.S.S. This line up did not last long and Brun was replaced by Holma. Holma wrote lyrics and took care of the vocals. We tried the name Mutilator but didnt quite like that and setteled for Anguish for the time beeing. We wrote a few songs and practised till our fingers bled. Then we recorded our Rehearshal tape in September 89 called "Deadly Coronations" still under the name Anguish. After this it was not long before it was agreed that Holma would leave the vocals to Stevo and a new member was recruited. Linus Olzon played in a band practising in the same place as us and we promptly convinced him to join us as we really needed a good Lead guitarist. This was TOXAEMIA formed. New songs were written, practised and in March 90 we were ready to go in to the studio for real. We went to Art Serve Studio in Mjölby. Mainly because Ola Florhed there did recordings at resonable prices and our friends in a band called METROZ had been there. Over a weekend - 16 hours 5 songs were recorded and mixed. The first four became our first demo "Kaleidoscopic Lunacy"! We made 200 copies of this on the traditional white tapes. These were distubuted through the underground tape trading that was going on at the time. The fifth song recorded was kept for a CD with local bands from Motala. The song was called "The Acquistion" And The CD was called "Rätt i Örat" it was distributed through a local company and we have no idea how many were produced or sold. This song was later renamed "Hate Within" and rerecorded for the "Buried to Rot" Demo. As our music was spread around through our first demo the band started doing gigs localy. Mainly in Motala but also other places. We played with bands as Entombed, Merciless, Therion, Cadaver and local bands like Metroz, Belsebub and so on. During this period we also wrote a lot of new material and finetuned our sound. Plans were made to go back in to studio for a second Demo when we were contacted by "Seraphic Decay Records" about doing a 7" EP. We were over the moon! Making a vinyl had been a dream we never thought could happen. So we signed a deal with "Seraphic Decay" and went in to Studio again to record all the new material. Emil did all the Artwork and the studio time went well. Again we did it all in "Art Serv Studio" in Mjölby since Ola Florhed knew us and was getting the hang of Recording Death! The new material sounded better than the demo, but looking back it could have turned out even better. But budget restrains limited us again to record and mix 4 songs in 16 hours. We sent the Tapes and Artwork to "Seraphic Decay" and this is what became the "Beyond the Realm" 7" EP.

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Member Since: 07/03/2006
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Stevo Guitar/Vocals;Pontus Bass;Emil Drums;Linus Guitar;
Influences: Morbid Angel, Possessed, Death, Entombed, Bolt Thrower. Cannibal Corpse,
Record Label: Seraphic Decay Records

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