gIrLs,WORLD OF WARCRAFT!,XbOx,MuSiC,rUnNiNg,HaNgIn OuT wItH mAh FrIeNdS...aNd ThAtS aBoUt It
i would want to meet Carmen Electra....she SOOO freakin HOTT!!!! Take the quiz: "Which Mighty Morphin Power Ranger are you?"
Blue Ranger
You are the Blue Ranger, you are Billy. Your weapon is the power lance. You are the Triceratops and the Wolf.
Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You? Take the quiz: "Which sImpson CharaCter aRe yOU???(((PICTURES)))"
YOu're a Self-ProClaiMed FReak...aNd yOU're SO stUpId YoU doNt KNOw ur StuPId...
Pearl harbor,Rocky HE ROCKS! lol..Over The Top,Freddy Kruger,Goonies!! LOL ummm like other ones....but cant think of any..
Three's Company,Amanda Show LOL..Wildboyz,Via La Bam,Punk' idk what else...:p
I lIkE...CaPtIaN UNdEr PaNtS,HArRy PoTtEr...LoL....AnD lIkE iDk I dOnT rEaD tOo MuCh ;)
BATman! duh come on now what kind of question is that!