3Word Productions profile picture

3Word Productions

About Me

3Word Productions supports underserved and underrepresented queer, transgendered and women artists with integrity and style. We accomplish this through unique small venue performances, advertising and promotion in the DC metro area. 3Word Productions seeks to pay these artists well for their work while providing a supportive and creative environment for both artists and audiences. By keeping our production scale efficient and homegrown we are able to provide a financial scenario that gives the artist a better profit margin than commercial venues.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/7/2006
Band Website: www.3wordproductions.com
Band Members: ***Natalie E. Illum*** is an activist, writer and federal employee. Natalie is a founding board member of mothertonue, a spoken word and creative writing organization in DC for women and girls (www.mothertongue.org.) She has an MFA in Creative Writing from American University and teaches poetry through a variety of local community venues. She loves rockstars and her dog, a lot.***Max Levine*** is here to make your experience with 3Word Productions as easy and enjoyable as possible. Her motivation is simple: to see a room light up with shared joy and inspiration. In addition to her work with 3Word, Max manages Chain Reaction Community Bicycle Shop, practices Aikido, a Japanese martial art, and produces fire circle festivals through Conscious Collaborations. ***Angie Young*** (founder) is a musician, poet and political activist who resides in Washington, DC. Check her out at www.myspace.com/angieyoungmusic
Influences: Joni Mitchell, Tori Amos, Le Tigre, Amy Ray, Michelle Tea, Jeff Buckley, Leonard Cohen, Adrienne Rich, Carole Maso, Joan Didian, Kinnie Starr, Sini Anderson, Paul Simon, Mrs. Lippi of Pierremont Elementary.
Sounds Like: The marvelous artists on our stage. We've produced with: Rose Polenzani, Sharon Lewis, Josh Cole, Bitch, Athens Boys Choir, Grover, Cliterati, Stevie B. and Mz. Imani, Sky Bear, Liz Kelly, Pamela Means, Maria de la Naja, The Beffas, Mess Up The Mess, mothertongue, Becca Cooper, gina young, sini anderson, Katlleen Daly, and Jonah Colson, among others.
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

November 7th at Phase 1

Come see Sister Spit at Phase 1 on November 7th! Natalie Illum is opening! Featuring Michelle Tea, Texta Queen, Tara Jepsen, Meliza Banales, Chelsea Starr, Kat Marie Yoas, and Dexter Flowers. Doors at...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 18:17:00 GMT

Alix Olson and Natalie Illum at Bus Boys and Poets this Sunday!

Come by Bus Boys and Poets November 4th to catch Alix Olson and Natalie Illum! "Female spoken word artists have become the spokeswomen for a new generation. This demanding oral poetry of the early 21s...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 15:12:00 GMT