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Contact TablesRANDOM THINGS YOU MIGHT LIKE TO KNOW... by alwayzhammertime
Name? Nicknames?: full name- Hayley Jade Weston. Nicknames- H, Hayles, Hay, Weston.
Birth date?: 20th of July 1985
Do you have any siblings? Do you get along with them?: yes, i have three, younger sister, and two younger brothers, get on well with my sister, bro's can be annoying.
What are you wearing right now?: a
Who do you live with?: at uni, Owes, Marc and Blandy. at home, mum, dad, bros and sis.
Do you have any pets?: yeah, three cats and some fish.
What's your favorite food?: erm... cant think. all food!
Hey slacker, what's your G.P.A.?: what does gpa mean?
What's your major?: Drama Production
Is your room messy or clean right now?: messy, unpacking from holiday!
What's your favorite alcoholic drink?: vodka and cranberry juice, or JD and coke, or champagne
What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink?: pure apple juice
How do you feel about cigarette smoking?: I hate it.
If you don't recognize the number on your caller ID, do you answer?: yes
How many speeding tickets have you recieved?: none, i dont drive
What's your favorite clothing store?: River Island!
Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? What is it?: well theres some on my bed, a finding nemo turtle,and a little white bear. and a big blue stich, (from Lilo and Stich)
When was the last time you were on a diet?: im on one right now!
Once you're finished with school, what will your profession be?: Actress, and you mean Uni
What is a long term goal of yours? short term?: Become a Proffessional Actress.
What is your favorite type of fast food?: chinese
Have you ever truly been in love?: nope
Ever cheated on your bf/gf?: yeah, once, but he deserved it, and it was only a kiss anyway.
What kind of car do you drive?: i dont
Where did you go on your funnest vacation?: erm..Florida, Africa, Dubai
What's your favorite holiday?: Cant pick, would have to be Florida, Africa or Vietnam, or Fuerda Ventura, i dunno theres too many! lol
What is your favorite sport to watch? to play?: to watch rugby, to play... erm, probably rounders haha
Where did/will you go for your 21st birthday?: i had a big party at my house, which my uni mates came to aswell! had a bbq party and a bucking bronco in the garden! and then went to croydon and got smashed, a good night methinks!lol
Do you usually get ready for class or just wear sweats?: depends how i feel
Would you rather go to a club to dance or a sit-down bar?: depends, probly to dance though. depends who im with.
How many car accidents have you been in? How many were your fault?: none
Have you ever tried chewing tobacco?: nope
Who was the last person you spoke on the telephone with?: the great Sarah Jackson
Do you chew on the straw?: lol, is that a trick question!?
What are you listening to right now?: magic fm
What star/celebrity do most people say you resemble?: i've been told Cameron Diaz, cos shes always smiling.
When was the last time you recieved mail other than junk mail and bills?: erm, probably a christmas card
What brand of tennis shoes do you prefer?: what!? what a stupid
What did you dress up as last Halloween?: i was a dead bride/vampire thing twas good.
What brand of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: herbal essences
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?: my mum
What do you have on your bedroom walls?: hardly anything, a few pics
What was the last movie you saw in the theater? Was it good?: OH MY GOD! I saw Night At The Mueseum! Absolutly Brilliant! you have to see it!
About how many friends from high school do you still talk to?: loads of them
What are you biggest peeves?: crudeness, arrogance, rudeness.
Are your parents still together?: yes
What is your favorite color?: lots, but i really like the colour of the sky at sunset
What sports did you play in high school?: rounders, hockey and netball
Are you a lover or a fighter?: lover man!
Do you read the Bible?: nope, i've had a brouse
Do you like to go camping?: yeah! its fun
I know you don't like books, so what is your favorite magazine?: fuck you, how do u know i dont like books? i love books! twat!dont really read magazines.and theres too many favourite books
Do you keep a journal?: yes
What's your favorite animal?: tiger
When is the last time you puked?: hahaha! new years day
Have you ever broken any bones?: nope
Can you drive a stick-shift car?: i dont drive!!!
Who is your favorite actor/actress?: actress- kate winslet, actor- Anthony Hopkins and Kevin Spacey
Do you wear a lot of jewelry?: not really
What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?: im not, lol, just got out the shower.
What cologne/perfume do you wear?: channel n05. and touch of pink
Wal-Mart or Target?: what?
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or major crush? Who is it!?: no i dont at the moment.going on a date tonight though!
What size bed do you have in your room?: small size
What food can you absolutely not stand to eat?: erm....caviar
Are you more like your mom or your dad?: both
Do you floss your teeth?: yes
Who is your BFF (best friend forever)?: Sarah Jackson
How long was your longest relationship?: lol!!! dont make me laugh, about 2 months i think
Why did it end?: becasue i got bored.
Do you snore (don't lie!)? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep?: i talk in my sleep if im really really tired, and usually i stay still, i think
Are you outgoing, or do you keep to yourself most of the time?: im outgoing.
Do you smile with your teeth when getting your picture taken?: i dunno, probly yeah
What is your main ring tone on your phone?: erm, its a little kid singing something about sugarplums and pumpyumpyumpkins.its really cute lol
When is the last time you worked out?: yesterday
Who is your favorite professional athlete?: oh god, i dunno, i havent got one.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?: a penguin, lol! not really, i wanted to be a performer i think.either that or a vet
Do you know how to sew?: yes
About how many pairs of jeans do you own?: bout four
Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?: dont care really
Have you ever been to the stripclub?: nope
What was the last shot you took? When was this?: apple sours, new years eve
What are your bad habits?: i think about things too much, and i get impatient sometimes.
Have you ever been fired from a job?: nope, i nearly was lol
What was the last live sporting event you attended?: probly owes rugby game
Do you consider yourself to be religious?: not really, but if i had to choose, id read about the dalai lama
Have you ever ridden in an ambulence?: no thank god, and hope i never will
Did you ever wear braces?: yes i did
Are you artistic/creative?: creative and artistic i think
What kind of mood are you in right now?: a good mood!
What time is it?:
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~This or That~ by lazylizards63
Hugs or Kisses: hugs, no kisses, no hugs.
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Sims or Myspace: myspace
Chocolate or Gum: chocolate
Friends or Family: ah man, both.
Quad or Bike: quad
Cats or Dogs: dogs, they look after you more
Love or Money: money haha, no love.
Summer or Winter: winter cos you can snuggle indoors, summer because, well! its summer!
Hot Tea or Iced Tea: iced tea! liptons peach or lemon
Milk or Water: water
Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry: vanilla
McDonalds or Burger King: niether
Fast Food or Resteraunt: restaurant
Movies or Reading: both
Beach or Lake: lake more private
Sleeping or Eating: eating lol
Camping at a campground or Camping in your own backyard: campground, more people, more fun
Green apples or Red apples: mmm, both
Cookies or Cake: cookies i spose, not really a cake person
Talking or Listen to someone talk: both
Farting or Smelling it: hahahaa! farting
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My pirate name is: Calico Mary Flint Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color. You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr! Get your own pirate name from
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