...::Lita::... profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Name is Lita, Made in chiNa. i'm a nice grl and alwAyz open 4 new FrdZ... Juz don't be talkin Shyt behind my bak, if ya'll got sum ta sai sai it in my face.. and dOn't stab me in da baK, juz be rEal and trUe w/ me and i'll do da same w/ u... i cOuld be a bitch sumtimes Only wen u piss me off... it takes alot for me ta hate a person... once i hate chu i hate chu for life... i can caRe lesS abOut wat peEpz dink Of me... i neva go out of mi way to try and impress anyone, at da same time i don't expect neOne to go out of thEir way to impress me... if ur talkin to me and i ain't talkin much dat meanz i'm shy n i don't kno u... but after i get ta kno u more i'll open up ta u... At timez i find it hard for me to sleep coz i think alot... i think lot of dingz seem much harder than it RealLy is...I would like to know how it feels to be LOVED. my biggest fear is bein ALONE... and i like ta keep my distance from peepz dat are FAKE, Self Centered and Drama... I onLy make promises dat i can keep... Hope is wat keepz me goin... I will tell you what's on my mind if i feel dat i could trust u... but I will hold my thoughts in as well if I need ta... I do fall down, but i manage to get back up... I can Luv chu, i can hate chu, i can fOrgive, but i can neva fOrget.... Don't judge a person by their appearance but by their CHARACTER....LOVE ta me is wen u cant bee apart frOm sumone fOr 2 long... u're ALways dinking of theM, and wen u're w/ thEm u neva wanna ta sai goOdbyE. Love is far from jus SIMPLE. Its quite complex. Its a mix of 'bout everyding. Its jOy, HatreD, paSsiOn, SadNess, excitement, its almost every feelin you can imagine and mOre. u'll know lOve wen u find it. Its that persOn wen they smile, it brightens up ur day. u cant stop staring at them for da fear of lOsing them, theyre alwayz on ur mind 24/7, u daydream of being with them, even if theyre so clOse frOm u and u cant stand it when theyre not with u. The worst feeling u could eva feel is wen u kno that persOn u love is not with you... u cant tell wen love will cOmes, u just kno when it does, that mOment wen u first lay eyes on dat person, and u neva wanna ta look away.. DAT IS LOVE. nothing less. If u eva feLl inLOve u'll knO wAt i'M tAlKiN aBout!!!! if ya'll wanna kno mOre 'bOut meEh aim me at: swta2n13abe51o

My Interests

kiCkiN iT w/ mY HoMiEs... liStEnIn Ta mUsIc... DrAwIn... GoIn OuT... iMpOrTs CaR... WrItIn PoEmZ... pLaYiN p0oL... LoOkIn @ dA sTaRz... shOppiN...


i'M dOwn w/ all kindna music .... my favorites are chinese, Jap, Krn, hit-pop, n Rap


damn i lyke alot of movies... itz gonna take meeh foreva ta list dem all out... i cant remember rite now... one of da moive is lord of da rings....


friends, one tree hill, fear factor... ect can't dink of ne nemore...


comic bookz!! manga!! even tho my parents yell at me for dat... _ n... i read other bookz 2... as long as is interestin...