Well my name is Kirsty and I live in a small town...with a stupid name!Erm anyways, I have a bunch of friends that I've known for years and they can always make me smile but of course I'm willing to meet new people.
I have a great family which is very close and I know I can always turn to them when I'm in need. You need a good family around you I reckon.
I guess if you're interested in what I have to say for myself, get in contact. If not, have a great day! x
K Kinky
U Unforgettable
S Sensitive
T Temperamental
A Accurate
R Respectable
D Dreamy
K Kinky
I Ideal
R Rich
S Sappy
T Technological
Y Young
G Grungy
I Ideal
L Lazy
B Bouncy
E Enchanting
R Rare
T Technological
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