Kanga Community Health & Education Project - Click Here
Meleia Pictures - Click Here , Energy drinks (*orgasm*), cancer, landmines
you ain't a beauty but hey you're alright.
disturbingly high volumes of pornography and war movies.
Dolly Parton's E! True Hollywod Story
It Works: How & Why, Basic Text, Just For Today, Denis Johnson, Jack Henry Abbott, Haruki Murakami, Sherman Alexie, Burroughs, Hesse, Sartre, Nabokov, Cortazar, Borges, Paul Bowles, Nin, Henry Miller, Jean Genet, Reinaldo Arenas, Pushkin, Sexton, Adonis (Ali Ahmed Said), Rilke, Sei Shonagon, Russell Banks, Rebecca Curtis, Bogosian, Richard Matheson, Brecht, Arthur Miller, Tony Kushner, Christopher Hitchens, Molly Ivins, Howard Zinn, Sontag, Jon Lee Anderson, W.T. Vollmann, Chomsky
Meleia my love,
my feminist sugarmamma, beautiful, my beautiful
Ethan Frazin, Sean Erick, all those who have shared their Experience, Strength and Hope..