cRaZy gOat ♥ siLLy gOoSe * fOreVer o3.14.o5 profile picture

cRaZy gOat ♥ siLLy gOoSe * fOreVer o3.14.o5

OnE daY mY daY t0 ShinE wiLL coMe

About Me

bo0 sTatee yA naMe * LiL fEe rUnz tHa gaMe
sHawtii wHea'Sz ya sPot * 732 drOp iiT liiKe iTs hoTt
seXxii wh0z Ya maN * gLeNn daViiS nD staYiin tRu maMa whOs yA giiRL * jOcELynE kNowS iiT aLL
huNnii wHaS uR sEkz * baBygiiRL BreAkiiN uR nEckz
dYme wHatS uR aGe * 16 bUt iN maY daT'LL cHanGe
baBy whEre yoU aT * iN yOur miinD jUss LiiKe dAt
well sorry guys.. im happily taken by the nicest guy in the whole world.. i am so inlove with glenn daviss its not even funny.. no one can STOP USS !!! hehe anyways we ave so much fun when were together =] its like were best friends and boyfriend and girlfriend at the same time cause i can talk to him about anythingg.. no matter what it is !!! we fight at times but you kn0w what i always kno that at the end of the night everything will be okay because thats just how its always been... cause he tries everything possible just to put a littlee smile on my face to make me happy =D ... we have the best inside jokes and he knows my WHOLE ENTIRE life story.. we been together for around 1 year and like 4 or 5 months now and its been wonderful except for that one month.. yea u kno wut im talkin about... so yeah its been awhile.. and u know what we proved everyone wrong cause people only thought that we were going to be together for like a week... well it turned out we stuck threw everything for more than a year.. well yea thats itt babe
I LOVE GLENN o3.14.o5
i have my wonderful friends lol u kno who you guys are YOU ARE THE BEST !!! ii fucken love you guys ( even tho some spread rumors that have no need to them MIKEEE !!! ) lol
oh i deff gotta give it to my girls - Michelle, Joce, and heather I love you guys !!
joce- no matter wut happens you are my gurl to tha fullest you've seen me cry faster than any of my other friends have and you helped me threw it like a real friend should.. you never once turned your back on me and i wont for you either!! or you shiney pennies haha right michelle? michelle- we dont talk a lot but when we got our little convos going there pretty good me you and joce have our own lil clique with those kids at the park && joce's friken pennies and u kno jus danielle's sickness haha that night was a night that's gunna be hard to forget haha!! heather- oh boy girlie idk where to start... you have always been there for me even tho we jus became close this year.. with out yoou goodd who knows wut trouble id be in lol we keep our cool tho haha spanish is mad funny with you and the little buggies LMAO !!! we have madd good times together and staying at my house talking all night into the early morning and like getting 2 hours sleep.. well i love you and jr. lol
ima varsity cheerleader for football and basketball ♥ i have my lovies on that team too and some girls who lets just say i wasnt to close to but whatever yo the pasts the past live life to tha fullest !!
i hate fake ass bitches ... so if your one of them even you guys =[ dont even bother trying to add me !
im very concieted jus to let you know hehe its because of a certian friend who likes to call me up drunk on some lets just say very weird friday night haaa !
well im outtie so hit me up =] wit sum messages for my screen name or what not lovies !!!

My Interests

i LoVe ChEeRlEaDiNg_* i LoVe t0 rUn & RoLLeRbLaDe ... AnD ChiLLiN WiT MaH PeOpLe
Your Birthdate: May 21
Being born on the 21st day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, "couldn't care less" attitude.You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.You are affectionate and loving, but very sensitive.You are subject to rapid ups and downs.

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: HaZeL
Hair Color:: bRoWn w? HiiGh`LiiGhTsZ'
Height:: sHoRtii LoL
Favorite Color:: gReEn` yELLeR`
Screen Name:: x0 LiL tEaSeR x
Favorite Band:: idK
Favorite Movie:: SkY HiiGh` nD hoNeY
Favorite Show:: DeGrAssii nD gEnErAL HoSpiiTaL
Your Car:: 91` EcLiiPsE
Your Hometown:: BaYoNnE
Your Present Town:: KeAnSbUrG
Your Crushes First Name:: gLenN
Your Grade:: 10th
Your Style:: hOtT
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yUp
Kissed someone in the rain?: YeS
Danced in a public place?: yUp
Smiled for no reason?: YeA
Laughed so hard you cried?: HeLL yEa
Peed your pants after age 8?: Na`
Written a song?: YuP TriiEd
Sang to someone for no reason?: Na
Performed on a stage?: No
Talked to someone you don't know?: YuP
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: YeAp
Made out in a theatre?: HeLL YeAsH
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: YuP
Been in love?: YeAh
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: MaLcOLm
Tell you, I love you?: gLenN
Kiss you?: ^
Hug you?: ^
Tell you BYE?: ViiCtOr
Write you a note?: NiiCK
Take your photo?: gLeNn
Call your cell phone?: MoM
Buy you something?: My MoM
Go with you to the movies?: AnThOnY
Sing to you?: IdK
Write a poem about you?: NiiCk nD gLeNn
Text message you?: gLeNn
Touch you?: gLeNn
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: tOdAY
Time you cried?: a FeW DaYs AgO
Movie you watched?: SkY hiiGh`
Joke you told?: LaSt NiiGhT
Song you've sang?: rAy j - WuN` wiisH
Time you've looked at the clock?: JuS LiikE a MiiN aGo
Drink you've had?: CaPriiSuN
Number you've dialed?: HeAtHeRsZ` __ BfFL BiiTcheSz !!!
Book you've read?: oH gEeZe idK
Food you've eaten?: EgGs
Flavor of gum chewed?: LeMoNaiDe
Shoes you've worn?: BoOtS
Store you've been in?: ChArLiiEs
Thing you've said?: FuCK ThAt
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: YeA
Whistle?: No =[ dOnT haTe`
Blow a bubble?: YuP
Roll your tounge in a circle?: No
Cross your eyes?: YeA
Touch your tounge to your nose?: No
Dance?: YeA
Gleek?: WuT??
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yUp
Speak a different language?: No
Impersonate someone?: HaHa
Prank call people?: Yup
Make a card pyramid?: Na
Cook anything?: YuP
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: KiD AgiiN iD dO EvERytHiiNg MuCh SloWeR
I wish ...: My PaReNtS weRe BacK ToGetHer
So many people don't know that ...: iiM a GrEaT pERsOn
I am ...: FuNnY
My heart is ...: HuGe nD FiiLLeD wiiTh LoVe`

I'd like to meet:

nD iiD liiKe tA mEeT aNyWuN niiCe nd dOwn t0 EaRTh aNd iiSz rEspEctAbLe nOnE oF diiS pLayA BuLLsHiiT *



♥ CoAcH CaRtEr ♥ BaD BoYs 2 ♥ hOnEy ♥ wAr oF tHe WoRLdS ♥ JuSt LiiKe hEavAn ♥


♥ TrL ♥ LaGuNa BeAcH ♥ SuMmErLaNd ♥ OnE TrEe HiiLL ♥


Name: FeLiShA gAiL *
Birthday: mAy 21, 199o_
Birthplace: BaYoNnE, nJ
Current Location: KeAnSbUrG aKa Da burG _*

Eye Color: HaZeL
Hair Color: BrOwN w/ bLoNdE HiGhLiGhTs
Height: 5'2 ShOrTii LoL !!
Right Handed or Left Handed: RiGhT
Your Heritage: iTaLiAn BaBy !!

The Shoes You Wore Today: NiKe
Your Weakness: uHm iDk ??
Your Fears: sPiDeRs * BuGs * ThUnDeR
Your Perfect Pizza: PePeRrONi PiZzA
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: PaSsiNg LoL
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LoL * hAhA
Thoughts First Waking Up: GoTTa tExT gLeNn*
Your Best Physical Feature: EyEs * AsS
Your Bedtime: WhEnEvA i WaNnA Go tO sLeEp
Your Most Missed Memory: bEiNg a KiD WhErE u DiDnT hAvE tO wOrRy AbOuT aNyThiNg_*
Pepsi or Coke: PePsiE
MacDonalds or Burger King: BuRgEr KiNg!!

Single or Group Dates: IdK aS LoNg aS iM WiT mY BaBy
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: NesTeA

Chocolate or Vanilla: BoTh
Cappuccino or Coffee: BoTh
Do you Smoke: NaH
Do you Swear: HeLL nO !! LoL yEa*
Do you Sing: YeA_ NoT ThAt iM GoOd LoL
Do you Shower Daily: YeS*
Have you Been in Love: i sTiLL aM
Do you want to go to College: YeAp

Do you want to get Married: WhO DoNt
Do you belive in yourself: SoMeTiMeS
Do you get Motion Sickness: NaH
Do you think you are Attractive: YeA SuMtImEs WhEn PeOpLe tEnD tO TeLL mE aLL tHe TiMe LoL
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do you get along with your Parents: SuMTiMeS oThErWiSe ThEy AnNoYiNg aS hElL
Do you like Thunderstorms: ThUnDeR nO _ LiGHtNiNg YeA
Do you play an Instrument: NaH
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: uHm .. HaHa nO
In the past month have you Smoked: FuCk NO!!
In the past month have you been on Drugs: WhAt ArE u StUpid ??
In the past month have you gone on a Date: SuRe
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yOu bEt aLL ThE TiMe
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nOt a BoX liKe 3 LoL
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: EwWw!!
In the past month have you been on Stage: NaH
In the past month have you been Dumped: NoPe
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: cOuLd HaVe LoL =]
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: SuRe
Ever been Drunk: NaH
Ever been called a Tease: HaHa !! AsK AnYoNe _ YeA u bEt !!
Ever been Beaten up: NoT LiTeRaLLy LmAo !! i LiKeD iT
Ever Shoplifted: YeA
How do you want to Die: WiT gLeNn
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: LaWyEr * cRiMoLoGySt
What country would you most like to Visit: iTaLy
In a Boy/Girl..

Favourite Eye Color: BrOwN * BlAcK
Favourite Hair Color: BlAcK * oR wHaTeVeR
Short or Long Hair: ShOrT
Height: TaLLeR tHaN mE
Weight: DuNt MaTTa
Best Clothing Style: WhAtEvA ThEy LoOk CuTe iN
Number of Drugs I have taken: NoNe _ U StUpid ??
Number of CDs I own: WoW aLoT
Number of Piercings: 7 iN EaRs * BeLLy * ToUnGe
Number of Tattoos: NoNe YeT LoL
Number of things in my Past I Regret: aLoT DaMn

My Blog

iM inLovEE !!!

Posted by cRaZy gOat ♥ siLLy gOoSe * fOreVer o3.14.o5 on Sun, 16 Apr 2006 04:00:00 PST

tHa` AbC`Sz oF mEe

A is for age: 15 ... 16 in MAY bAbY!!B is for booze of choice: JaCk DaNiElS nD oHh WiiNe CoOlErS fOr StArTeRs *C is for career: cRiiMoLogYsT nD LaWyeRD is for your dad's name: MiiTcHeLLE is for essent...
Posted by cRaZy gOat ♥ siLLy gOoSe * fOreVer o3.14.o5 on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 05:53:00 PST

wHoA` lOl

mEe GoTSz` mA bABy baCkk *   fELiiShA gLeNn 11.18.o5`   pEopLe EnVy ThiiS oThAs` iSz hOTt On ThiiS iTs CauSe yEwSz` JuSs MaDd *...
Posted by cRaZy gOat ♥ siLLy gOoSe * fOreVer o3.14.o5 on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 12:32:00 PST

a LiL bOuTt` MeE - pLz ReAd =]

100 Questions For Your Answering Pleasure! Basics Name:: felisha  Age:: 15 Height:: shortt lol Hair Color:: brown w/ hiighlights Eye Color:: hazel - goLd School Life What's your scho...
Posted by cRaZy gOat ♥ siLLy gOoSe * fOreVer o3.14.o5 on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 12:49:00 PST