Angelica profile picture


MOOOOOOOO... Female 20 yrs old In a brown building, California U.S.A Last Login: 000000000...

About Me

Call me complex, call me weird. But isn't that the new "norm?" Ah, whatever. I am who I am, and that's all that matters. I have my own opinions and stick by them unless otherwise. I can make my own decisions about 90% of the time. Alongside that, my mood swings can usually justify the previously stated. And in addition to that, I tend to contradict myself. Unfortunately, that implies hypocrisy. Then again, who isn't? And I prefer being around people who are not afraid to be themselves, like seriously. I hold a moderately strong interest in my Filipino culture, especially the entertainment industry, and I'm not afraid to show it. I usually like to express myself through writing, unless I'm completely comfortable with you then I just end up rambling. However, I do admit my fear of challenges, risks and changes, which the reason for my daily routine of staying at home and doing hardly anything you can call active and productive should come off as self-explanatory. Despite it all, I still go to the beat of my own drum. Surely, I'm not a leader, nor am I a follower. But I am someone taking one day at a time as it is given to me. And I am aware that I may not be living them to the fullest, but gradually, I should expect to hit that point when I can finally say, "I'll be ok afterall." Yah, I'm complicated, AND a goofball. MUUHHHHHH. Hahaha. =D RIGHT ON!
"WE FLY! *flap, flap, flap*"- MANNGELICA.
"Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have." - Hermione (OotP) c(:

My Interests





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details [status] in a relationship
[orientation] straight
[hometown] philippines/ca
[sign] aries

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