About Me
hey I'm colin, I truly love God with all my heart, I have been growing alot in my spiritual walk with the Lord lately and I can't get enough, its so awesome. I used to work at walgreens but recently quit my job (4/12/08) so I could give all my time to reach the lost. I love to freebord. if you need answers to questions or want to talk about Christianity, or ANYTHING feel free to message me, talk to me, or whatever, anytime :). I would love to talk to you about it :). I attend 180 youth at crossroads of life in duncanville, its really home-like and down to earth there, come visit sometime. you would enjoy it! I'm sooo excited to see what God has in store for my life in the next few years, its gonna be something awesome, I already know :0! haha but yeah, this summer I'm planning on interning with my youth pastor about 20-30 hours a week for the entire summer, which I am very excited to begin.If you need prayer for ANYTHING tell me and I will for sure pray for you, even if i dont know you, idc. seriously. :)aim = JESUSesmiAMIGO08
My Blog
Why we shouldn’t cuss |
A lot of Christians don't see that it is wrong to cuss, if you ask them why they usually something like " it doesn't say in the bible not to cuss" or if they can't come up with that then its usually t... Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 08:38:00 GMT |