Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack profile picture

Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack

think about the void. fantasize about nihilism. smoke a joint before breakfast. be too lazy to argue

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.. width="425" height="350" ....men with drug habits and learning problems and obnoxious, drunk bitches. or men with learning habits and drug problems and fucking gangster baller bitches with a heart of gold:


fog horns, new england accents, sitcom laugh tracks, good hip-hop, singers with shitty singing voices, heroin music, bands with really witty band names, early nineties soft rock and R&B, mid-nineties indy-rock, late nineties talk radio, screaming chicks, glam rock, art rock, punk rock, dirty blues, stuff i haven't heard yet, music to lock yourself in a dark room and cut youself to (you know, metaphorically speaking), the soundtrack to Clueless, anything remotely interesting....


Reality Bites. Thats all.


is bad for you.


really really boring stuff. like stale old russian literature and french existentialists. i once had a boyfriend who said "books are stupid". i liked that. then i cheated on him with someone literate. ya know, metaphorically speaking. charles bukowski was my hero, im less into idols these days.


the motorcycle boy

My Blog

think of me next time you shit your pants.

you know everyonce in a while, you'll walk into a room, or a restaurant, or a bank, and everything will just be fucking wierd, like you just walked into another world on accident, and the li...
Posted by Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 04:57:00 PST

good lord

i hate fucking "pop", and not just the music. im sick of whats "hip", all things shiny and fun turn boring so quickly and true mediocrity is only beautiful under the certain philosophical influen...
Posted by Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 11:08:00 PST

save yourself some time, honestly....

i was walking home from work today and its another beautiful sunny colorado winter day and i was thinking about how i finally have a job which i dont hate and money in my pocket for a change and ill p...
Posted by Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 04:09:00 PST

just in case anyone wanted to see me get my ass beat.....

please check this out..http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=ExexrmCAeUUand see the video of, um, me getting my ass beat.
Posted by Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack on Tue, 03 Jan 2006 03:15:00 PST

this one goes out to all my fans.....

i havent changed my clothes or been sober since 7 pm new years eve. SOLID 48 hours.i woke up this morning passed out on my own couch with killer heartburnt, a new haircut i dont recall getting, and f...
Posted by Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 11:46:00 PST


read any good books lately? im open for suggestions. charles bukowski only published so much....
Posted by Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

shut the fuck up....please.

i am really really sick of fuckin hot shot girls bragging about how they have no girlsfriends cause all girls are lame blah blah blah. you have no girlfriends probably cause youre just as lame as the ...
Posted by Cpt. Barnacle Flapjack on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST