Trajan Octavian Titus profile picture

Trajan Octavian Titus

About Me

I have existed from the morning of the world and I shall exist until the last star falls from the night. Although I have taken the form of Gaius Caligula, I am all men as I am no man and therefore I am a God.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Thomas Jefferson, John Locke, Alexander the Great, Shin Tzu, John McCain et al.

My Blog

I am your god bow down.

Obtaining and Maintaining New and Mixed Principalities: Machiavelli wanted there to be a unified Italy and dedicated his book The Prince to Lorenzo di Piero de Medici of the Medici family who were t...
Posted by on Wed, 24 May 2006 23:42:00 GMT

Political humor tip from a degenerate pig fucker.

Originally Posted by H.S.T. that miserable degenerate pig fuc*er, may he rot in hell. ". . . No wonder the poor bastards from generation X have lost their sense of humor about politics. Some things ar...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 01:28:00 GMT

For Degenerates Everywhere!!!

Dear degenerate pig fuc/kers of every race, creed, and religion:Fuc/k every last one of you, your consistent inaccuracies and outright lies make Walter Kronkite seem like a purveyer of the perverbeal ...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 01:23:00 GMT

Terrorism; A Cancer on the World.

Terrorism is getting on a plane with a person of middle eastern descent after 9/11 and even though no matter how tolerant that you may feel that you are, when that Arabic person sitting next to you ge...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 20:03:00 GMT

My Case for the NSA Wiretapping Op and against the NYT's

Why the NYT's broke the law by publishing the story: Sec. 798. Disclosure of classified information>> (a) Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes,> transmits, or otherwise makes av...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 13:00:00 GMT

Individual Liberty, Society, and the Role of the State:

Individual Liberty, Society, and the Role of the State: The major problem with modern individualism which Bellah et al. illustrate quite clearly in "Habits of the Heart," is one which arises when indi...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 19:29:00 GMT

A case for Paleo-Conservatism and non-interventionalism.

Here's a speech I gave the other day arguing against the so called new conservatism:I am of the opinion that George W. Bush is quite possibly the most liberal president in this nations history. I know...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 19:22:00 GMT

The Case For Globalization and Neo-Con Economics.

To put this in perspective I've recently been studying the Brazilian automobile industry.Recently their economy was tanking so they set up a tripartite system in which the representatives from the lab...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 19:19:00 GMT

The Case of Jay Bennish Free Speech or Propoganda Indoctrination?

I'm all for free speech and the first Amendment, however, in my opinion what this man said in class is beyond the pale in terms of what is acceptable speech in a high school setting.  Here are so...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 20:37:00 GMT