Shea profile picture


I'm too Complicated to Explain.....SO WHAT!!

About Me

Well what can I say...I'm SHEA. I don't believe there is another soul like me. I love my family to death, I don't kno what I'd do without them. But, anywayz I'm just a down to earth girl who loves to have fun all the time whether its at work, school or home I'm always clownin. My friends also mean the world to me and they are only a select few we don't like to open our circle up 2 many. They kno who they are so there is no need for the list of shout-outs.I am currently going through the process of locking my hair. It is a tough committment but it is well worth it. Anything else you wanna kno just ask...
.. bAsiCs ..
lEgAlly: Jenise Tanatshia Reshea Best
rEmiXeD: Shea
1st bReAtH: September 29 1987
hOmEtoWn: Gate City
hEriTaGe: Black
StAtuS: Single and loving it
.. tHiS iS mE ..
eYes/ hAir cOlOr: brown/dark brown
hEigHt: 5'7
shOe siZe: 10 yea i got big feet lol
riGhtY oR leFty: Righty
siBLinGs: 1 brother, Denorris
nUmbEr oF piErciNgs/ tAttOos: 4/ none yet
.. mY fAvOriTes ..
fOoD & dRinK: Chicken/kool-aid and apple juice
nUmbErs: 15
cOlOr: Carolina blue
sCeNT: Curve Crush
iCe cReaM fLaVoR: French Vanilla
cAnDY: Starburst
coOKiE: Chocolate Chip
peOpLe: WOW....Bmack, Candace, J-tina, Shonda, Shalonda, Leah T., Jordy, My bro, K.T. on a good day, Lu, Lynn, Keoshia, and tha list goes on
cHaRacTer: Don't have one
sOnG: At that moment, Dozen Roses, Heaven, and You
aNimAL: None they're all nasty
..iN tHe pAst mOnTh hAve yOu..
dRaNk alChOL: Nah
sMOkeD: Nah
gOne tO tHe mOviEs: Nah
gOne On a DAte: Nah
gOne SkiNny DipPinG: Nah
eAtEn a bOx Of OreOs: Nah
eAten Sushi Nah
eAteN a piNt Of iCe crEaM: Nah
beEn tO tHe MaLL: Yea
beEn tO a pArTy: Yea
bEen On StaGe: Nah
bEen DumPed: Nah
StOleN AnYthiNg: Nah
sOLd sOmEtHiNg: Nah
..tHiS Or tHaT ..
pEpSi Or cOke: Pepsi
mCdOnAld*s Or bUrgEr kInG: Mickey D's
chOcOlAte Or VanIllA: It depends
caPpuCcinO Or cOffeE: Neither
LiptOn iCe tEa Or neSteA: Lipton
cHicKeN Or sTeAk: Chicken
daY Or niTe: It depends
bEaCh Or poOL: Beach
wiNdOws dOwN Or A/C: Windows down
.. bOuT yOurS fRieNds ..
lOngEst: Lynn
fUnniEsT: Don't kno
sMaRteST: We all smart
dUmbEsT: Don't run wit no dumb chicks
qUieTeSt: Brittany S.
lOudEst: Angel
shYeSt: uhhh don't kno
mOsT OuTgOin: Leah
mOsT aThleTic: Candace
whO dO yOu gEt aDviCe frOM: J-tina, Bmack, Shonda, Candace depends on tha situation
wHo knOwS aLL yOur SecRetS: uhh Shonda I think
..tHe mEN..
eYeS: Brown
lOng Or shOrT haIr: Long hair don't care LOL, I like clean cuts too
6 paCk Or mUscUlar: BOTH OMG!
shOrT Or TaLL: Tall cuz I aint short
eAR piErcEd: Doesn't matter
.. mY fUtuRe ..
liVing wHeRe: Gate City, Charlotte somewhere in good 'ol Carolina lol
jOb: High School history teacher
whO wiLL bE bY my siDe: My husband and my family

My Interests

Sleeping, eating, talkin, wildin', my schoolwork etc.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Jamie Foxx, Jody Breeze, Carmelo Anthony, Lil Wayne, Lloyd and the list goes on.

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My favorite movies would be: The Five Heartbeats, Lean on Me, Hardball, Friday and Next Friday. I have so many movies I like but I only decided to name a few.

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My favorite all-time television show is the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Oh yes and my boo Jamie Foxx, even when he was goin through his rough stages on the show I still loved him. I could sit and watch the same shows over and over. But, other tv shows I like are the Cosby Show, Girlfriends, Flavor of Love and many other reality shows.


I used to be an avid reader but have slowed down once I got to college but some of my favorite books include: Leslie, A Gangstas Girl, Flyy Girl and many more.

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My heroes would have to be my parents. My parents divorced when I was only 5 years old but have been very influential in my life. Living with my father until he remarried taught me to be tough yes I am truly a daddy's girl. My mother was never far away and watching her struggle to rebuild her life has made me even stronger. I love both of my parents and thank them for everything they've done. But, I must not forget my stepmother. She has been in my life since I was 5 and has done a good job with me and my brother. I know its hard to come into an already established family, but she did it happily and lovingly.