wine, photography, dogs, bar culture, movies, islands,travelling, snoozing, not you probably...
a drink I don't get along with .. "
when its good, its really good. I like the good stuff.
I was a casting director for 7 years... I know a lot. A LOT. I'm a big film dork.
The Wire is the best show on television right now... I miss Arrested Development...
"Please Kill Me" - Legs McNeil...ANYTHING by Hunter S. Thompson, "Diane Arbus" (bio), The Collected Short Stories of Roald Dahl, "Nightmare Town" -Dashiell Hammet, William Butler Yeats, "Borstal Boy" Brendan Behan, "Demian" - Herman Hesse, "Devil in the White City",Cash by Johnny Cash, "Woman at point zero" by Nawaal El Sadawi, articles by Lewis Lapham, non fiction WWII lit... lots more.... I read a lot, usually 2 or 3 books at a time... And I'm addicted to all different kinds of magazines: travel, news,trash,literary, food,wine, blah blah blah blah blah
"My heroes have always been cowboys"